11 November 2008
17 September 2008
14 September 2008
20 August 2008
04 August 2008
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Minimizing McCain's Experience
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Minimizing McCain's Experience
Hero is a term that flies around, but wearing a uniform does not instantly make one a hero. To call one such, is to diminish the acts of true heroes. A well written and informative piece on the "experience" question.
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Elections, Experience, Heroes, McCain
25 July 2008
Full script of Obama's speech - CNN.com
Full script of Obama's speech - CNN.com
I disagree with most of the analysts---I think this was a very good speech--one that Europeans will appreciate.
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Labels: Candidates, Congress, Europe, Obama, Speech
23 July 2008
Why We Need Unions
Dear 44: Let unions work for U.S. - David Madland - Center for American Progress Action Fund - Politico.com
The unions are the leaders in industry and all workers should consider joining a union. Yes, it is always an uphill battle and the corporate a/holes are just trying to perserve the massive profits of their position and company.
Posted by
Labels: Domestic Policies, Economics, Labor, Unions, Workers
18 July 2008
Activists Spied On
Police Spied on Activists In Md. - washingtonpost.com
I realize that this may be old hat to some, but I cannot stress enough on this subject. If you are an activist or protester, be warned. Always know those around you........always know that they are watching......and always be careful.
Posted by
16 July 2008
Was Obama Born To Muslim Martians?
Was Obama born to Muslim Martians with plans to seize Temecula? | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times
The title alone got my attention......but other than that it is a pretty good piece..
Posted by
Labels: American Political Process, Candidates, Muslims, News UpDate, Obama
15 July 2008
Gov. Sanford (R-SC) Proves McCain is McSame as Bush « Roadkill Refugee
Gov. Sanford (R-SC) Proves McCain is McSame as Bush « Roadkill Refugee
THis would be in the running for the Assie Award.
Posted by
Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Elections, Gov. Sanford, McCain, Stumbles, Surrogates
09 July 2008
More over 70s 'are enjoying sex'
BBC NEWS | Health | More over 70s 'are enjoying sex'
Damn! Life is good and smiles are where it is at......Peace!
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Labels: Aging, Erectile Dysfunction, Health care, News UpDate, SEX, Studies
06 July 2008
Were we duped? - CBC Archives
Were we duped? - CBC Archives
These people bring up some points about the first Iraq war. Interesting!
I was one of the people pointing out this BS in the 90's and I was called everything but a patriot. That was in the days before PCs and when I find my written word I will post it and illustrate that some of us were right and informed back in the "dark ages".
Posted by
Labels: Bush, Gulf War, History, Iraq Situation, Lies
29 June 2008
The perils of honesty in politics
The perils of honesty in politics - Los Angeles Times
Honesty in politics....thinking....is that not an oxymoron?
Posted by
Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Charlie Black, Comments, McCain, Politicians, Politics and Society
27 June 2008
Unneeded at Any Speed - washingtonpost.com
Unneeded at Any Speed - washingtonpost.com
Has Nader lost his ever-loving mind? If not, then he just crapped in his rice krispies.
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Labels: Comments, Media, Nader, News UpDate, Obama, Politics and Society
25 June 2008
Muslim Voters' Waning Support for Obama?
ABC News: Muslim Voters' Waning Support for Obama?
This can be understood if you follow politics. In this youtube world, can you imagine the new Obama is a Muslim crap that would be on the web? I mean 30% or so of the electorate still think he is a Muslim now and that would just reinforce the lie. It is sad that it has come to this but that is the nature of the beast.
Posted by
Labels: Campaigns, Internet, Lies, Muslims, Obama, Politics and Society, Religion
23 June 2008
The Illusion of Miles Per Gallon
The Illusion of Miles Per Gallon - Wheels - Autos - New York Times Blog
Have ypou noticed that the MPG listed on most cars are highway miles? That is because it is the better one to list and most people drive in stop and go traffice and the MPG are lower.
Posted by
Labels: Autos, Lies, MPG, Pollution, The Environment
22 June 2008
Lobotero’s Info Ink
Lobotero’s Info Ink
This is from my major site and where most of my stuff is published.
Posted by
Labels: Cowardice, FISA, Funds, Lies, News UpDate, Politicians, War
19 June 2008
Flood Victimns turn To FEMA
WiscNews.com : Baraboo News Republic
Damn, I wish them luck. Hopefully they will not be as screwed as the victims of Katrina. But I would not hold my breath if I were them.
Posted by
Labels: Domestic Policies, FEMA, Funds, Recovery
18 June 2008
The Iraq Surge
International Crisis Group - 75 Iraq after the Surge II: The Need for a New Pol
Some good points were made in this analysis, maybe someone, somewhere should be listening.
Posted by
Labels: International Conflicts, Iraq Situation, News UpDate, Surge, War
17 June 2008
Is McCain Like Bush?
Is McCain Like Bush? It Depends on the Issue - NYTimes.com
McCain tries to distance himself from GW, but it just does not hold water. If you watch closely, he , McCain, tries to divert the attention away from Bush as often as possible. His stands will NOT hold up to scurtiny.
Posted by
Labels: Bush, Domestic Policies, Elections, McCain, Politics and Society
16 June 2008
Professor's Classroom
Damn Monday already? Where did the joy and pleasure of the weekend go? Let us not speak of that again, but instead, move on to the quiz of the week.
In 1912, the Congress was afraid that the workers in the Federal government would try to join a union for better hours, pay, benefits and such and they were afraid that if the employed the strike then the government would have to shut down. The Congress enacted this legislation to prevent this from happening.
This should keep the class busy for awhile and I can get some sleep. You may begin!
15 June 2008
The 21st Century G.I. Bill and short-sighted 'deficit hawks'
The 21st Century G.I. Bill and short-sighted 'deficit hawks'
This type of info should be made available immediately. The people should have the final say on whether the GI Bill is passed or not. It is their money and it should be spent where they want to be.
Posted by
Labels: Education, Funds, GI Bill, Legislation, Troops, Veterans
Professor's News UpDate
This is the most worthless crap available on the news.
1--Earthquake in Greece
2--Floods in the Midwest--Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, etc
3--Did you know that Tarzan's co-star Cheetah is 76 yrs old and still alive?
4--Yet more plane and auto crashes
5--Yet more missing kids.
6--PT Cruiser convertible will be dis continued--why?--it was too gays for even gays to buy.
7--Yawn! More Calif. fires--is that news or just the same story...month after month.
There it is --the news no can could possibly use.
Posted by
Labels: Media, News UpDate, Worthless News
Political Quote Of The Week
Thomas Paine was the forgotten founding father and was very preceptive.
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.
Thomas Paine
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Labels: History, Quotations
13 June 2008
Supreme Court: detainees' right -- Newsday.com
Supreme Court: Habeas corpus is terror detainees' right -- Newsday.com
This is a good thing? Well, if you believe in the position that one is innocent until proven guilty, then yes. But the detaining of ANYONE without no rights is just wrong and could be the old USSR---Siberia comes to mind.
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Labels: Detainees, Gitmo, Supreme Court, Suspects, Terrorists
12 June 2008
Text of Bush-EU news conference - Yahoo! News
Text of Bush-EU news conference - Yahoo! News
A wonderful piece of theater.......
Posted by
Labels: Bush, EU, Media, News UpDate
Latest State-by-State General Election Match-Ups - Poll Tracker
Latest State-by-State General Election Match-Ups - Poll Tracker
Obama has a slight edge on McCain, but it is early and these early polls are about as reliable as a rattlesnake in heat. I mean Carter was up on Ford by 33 points and then barely eeked out the win. Eough said!
Posted by
Labels: Elections, McCain, News UpDate, Obama, Polls
09 June 2008
The Young And Labor Unions
Young people need new lessons about labor unions -- themorningcall.com
Thgere needs to be more emphasis on the education of the young on the need for labor unions. They learn about the necessity of a pledge of allegiance, but know little about the contributions of unions to American life.
Posted by
Labels: Education, Labor, Unions, Workers, Youth Vote
Professor's Classroom
OSIM! It is morning....it is Monday...and I am not a nice mood today......today's lesson is from the civil war era......
What significance does the word "Copperheads" have? What was it?
Pencils up and you may begin......
Posted by
Labels: Civil War, Classroom, History, Politics and Society
08 June 2008
Race in America, Is America Ready for Change? | pnj.com | Pensacola News Journal
Race in America, Is America Ready for Change? | pnj.com | Pensacola News Journal
A very good look at the issue that will be paramount in the general election.
Posted by
Labels: Elections, News UpDate, Politics and Society, Race Issues
Weekly News UpDate
Just in case you missed the absolutely worthless info that mainstream media had to offer.
1--Yawn! More auto crashes, chases and whatever else one can do in a car.
2--2 guys rob a 7-11 wear ladies thing underwear on their heads---but were they clean?
3--Do you really care that Brad-gelina are having twins?
4--Fired in Kansas, Los Angeles, Sacrament
5--And yet more sh*tty weather--rain, wind and tornadoes
6--and other assorted worthless bullsh*t that absolutely NO one cares about....
Posted by
Labels: Media, News UpDate, Worthless News
Political Quote Of The Week
This week I found a quote by Ambrose Bierce and is an excellent definition of politics.
Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage.
Ambrose Bierce
Just watch politics unfold and you will see that this quote is by far the most accurate observation on what politics is really all about.
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Labels: Politicians, Politics and Society, Quotations
07 June 2008
America's Medicated Army -- Printout -- TIME
America's Medicated Army -- Printout -- TIME
The more things change, the more they stay the same.......somethings remain the same from war to war.....Vietnam to Iraq...a medicated Army.
Posted by
Labels: Iraq Situation, US Military, Veterans, War
06 June 2008
The Assassination of Robert Kennedy - washingtonpost.com
The Assassination of Robert Kennedy - washingtonpost.com
RFK was the best thing that ever happened to the Dems. personal opinion, if he had lived he would have been Pres and in so would have been better and more loved than his brother, JFK.
Posted by
Labels: History, Politics and Society
05 June 2008
Analysis: Obama a symbol of progress, change - CNN.com
Analysis: Obama a symbol of progress, change - CNN.com
Not a big fan of CNN, but this is a [pretty good piece about the significance of the Obama win and the possibilities for the future.
Posted by
Labels: Elections, Obama, Politics and Society, Voters, Youth Vote
03 June 2008
End Of The Season
Clinton won Puerto Rico by 30+ points, but the vote was a lot lower than anticipated. Today is the last of the primaries--the official end of the whining, the pouting, the accusations and the BS--especially the BS of the media and their lame attempts to keep non-issue stories in the news.
I know I am dreaming--it has only begun....LOL
Today is the final two primaries--Montana and South Dakota. Obama is expected to win both of these and win handily.
This is the end of this part of the historical political epoch. (always wanted to say that)
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Labels: Candidates, Elections, News UpDate, Politics and Society, Primaries
More Congressmen Hospitalized
Sorry, but this is the result when we allow these guys and gals to spend 50 yrs in the Congress. It is called old age.
Sen. Robert Byrd, the oldest member of the U.S. Senate and a fierce opponent of the Iraq war, was taken to a Washington-area hospital for observation on Monday after a caregiver noticed that he was lethargic, a spokesman for the West Virginia Democrat said.
Byrd, 90, was at work in the Senate earlier in the day and had gone home where his caregiver grew concerned about his condition, spokesman Jesse Jacobs said.
Byrd first won election to the Senate in 1958.
There has been a wealth of these people having to go to the hospital...I realize that I may seem a bit cold, but I do think that there should be a two term limit on all these guys and gals. Ifr they stay longer then they start acting like it is their god given right to rule.
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Labels: Byrd, Congress, News UpDate, Politicians, Politics and Society
02 June 2008
Professor's Classroom
Monday! Time to put on the caps you think with (that is assuming you can actually use a hat to think with) the quiz for today is simple and easily checked.
Take out pencils and paper and------
What is meant by the term "New Nationalism"?
Let the rush begin and good luck....
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Weekly News Up Date
Because of connectile dysfunction, my cable company was down for most of three days, I have to post my stuff today instead of Sunday.
Here goes, all the news that should be served up with booze.
1--More bad weather, more crashes, both plane and cars.
2--Another Hogan has auto crash problems.--this time, Brooke was not at fault.
3--Space Station has a clogged toilet--now there is a plumber's bill.
4--3 trainwrecks this week--MS, Chicago and Boston.
5--Another construction crane crashes down and kills people.
That is about the gist of all the worthless ass news.
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Labels: Media, News UpDate
Of greenhouse gases and greenbacks - Los Angeles Times
Of greenhouse gases and greenbacks - Los Angeles Times
It always comes down to the economics, right?
Posted by
Labels: Economics, News UpDate, Pollution, The Environment
Report: Blackwater buys Brazilian-made fighter plane - USATODAY.com
Report: Blackwater buys Brazilian-made fighter plane - USATODAY.com
Does anyone see anything wrong with the whole situation with Blackwater?
Posted by
Labels: Blackwater, Business, Security, War
01 June 2008
Electing a president | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press
Electing a president | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press
If the nomination moves to the floor the convention, it could dire consequences for the Dems in the Fall.
Posted by
Labels: Democrats, News UpDate, Nomination, Politics and Society
31 May 2008
political Quote Of The Week
Since the birth place of democracy was Greece, I thought I would quote one of the founding fathers of democracy.
Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.
If true, then like socialism, it has never been tried.
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Labels: History, Quotations
28 May 2008
Obama competitive against McCain with key voters
The Associated Press: Obama competitive against McCain with key voters
McCain and Obama are struggling to gain support with those on the line. Who will win the struggle?
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Labels: Elections, McCain, Obama, Politics and Society, Voters
27 May 2008
Professor's Classroom
OK it is not Monday...for that was a holiday and now it is back to work....put on your thinking caps, always wanted to say the, and let us begin....
This was a faction within the Dem party in 1835, it was an equal rights faction that seized control of the Dem convention in 1835. What was this faction called and why?
This is one is a bit harder than normal but I have faith in my class....they can do it...good luck
Posted by
Labels: Classroom, Education, History, Politics and Society
26 May 2008
Historic pictures sent from Mars
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Historic pictures sent from Mars
This is away cool stuff........
Colombia: Open Letter To Nancy Pelosi and the US Congress
Upside Down World - Colombia: Open Letter To Nancy Pelosi and the US Congress
The trade agreement that Bush and boyz were pushing with Colombia was not seen as the great savior of out time but all people. This letter was written to Pelosi and others in Congress.
Posted by
Labels: Congress, International Situation, Latin America, Trade
25 May 2008
Weekly News UpDate
The most worthless news anywhere on the cable news...or anywhere point! In the last week these stories have made up a significant part of the broadcasts.....why?
1--More bus, auto and plane crashes
2--Wild fires in Florida
3--Town in Vermont will no longer allow nudity...Brattleboro...I believe
4--Drag queen robs a New Orleans Burger King
5--Washington coffee shop uses women in bikinis or less to serve the java----(my planes leaves at 0835 hrs.)
6--Guess what more fires in California
7--More really sh*tty weather across mid part of country
Ya happy? That is all the news you could never use....peace.....out!
Posted by
Labels: Media, News UpDate, Worthless News
Vets for Peace Booted from National Memorial Day Parade
Vets for Peace Booted from National Memorial Day Parade
Now this is just flippin' wrong.....if anyone has a right to protest for peace it is the vets that fight the damn war. Cannot have these people out there contradicting the popular stand on the war and the surge.
Posted by
Labels: Memorial Day, Parades, Peace, Veterans, War
24 May 2008
Political Quote Of The Week
This week's quote is from Thomas Paine, it deals with the lies and promises that politicians tell and seldom deliver.
It is an affront to treat falsehood with complaisance.
Thomas Paine
Peace Out!
Posted by
Labels: History, Politicians, Quotations
23 May 2008
The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy - by Christopher J. Coyne
The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy - by Christopher J. Coyne
Good piece on the pitfalls of the idea that one can export democracy.
Posted by
Labels: Democracy, Economics, Political Theory, Politics and Society
22 May 2008
Informants Wanted By FBI
Moles Wanted - City Pages (Minneapolis/St. Paul)
Just wanted to let all know that if you were gonna be protesting at the Repub convention, that the FBI is actively seeking spies, informants, other assorted ilk. Be careful and know your team!
Posted by
Labels: Conventions, Dissent, FBI, Protests, Republicans
21 May 2008
McCain on His Hopes for His First Term - New York Times
McCain on His Hopes for His First Term - New York Times
Read this and see that it is nothing more than a continuation of Bush policies and programs...where did the maverick go?
Posted by
Labels: Foreign Policy, McCain, Republicans, Speech
Global Peace Index 2008 - Global Peace Index
Global Peace Index 2008 - Global Peace Index
The USA is not doing too well in the peace category.
Posted by
Labels: International Conflicts, News UpDate, Peace, USA, War
Another Divisive Comment
First it was the word "bitter"---and the pundits turned that into a 2 week diatribe of total BS. Now he has said the word "sweetie" directed at a female reporter. Thinking back I use the word sometimes and use it as a term of endearment and not a sexist thing...but then if one is looking for some overtone in it then yes I guess it could be seen as a sexist term. But I think if he had called her a broad or a chick, then these pundits would have a case.
My point is a mis-speak may happen to anyone, it is not the sole domain of a Clinton. To turn this
into a political statement of some sort is just LOW CLASS and damn silly!
Ferraro, a person I respected when she was a VP candidate, has lost all of my respect. She has jumped on the damn silly feminist bandwagon by calling Obama a sexist. I find that a bit much for a Democrat calling another Democrat a name because you are pissed that she is losing her ass in the nomination race. That also is just LOW CLASS!
But then politicians are the sorriest and lwest form of humanity!
Posted by
Labels: Clinton, Democrats, Media, News UpDate, Obama, Surrogates
20 May 2008
Obama Adopted by Native Americans - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Obama Adopted by Native Americans - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
This is a bigger deal than the politics of the season; it is a show of respect and leadership to be adopted. I pray that he talks this ceremony to heart. NAs need someone who will actually care about their plight in Washington, Obama has an opportunity here to do the right thing.
Posted by
Labels: Adoption, Native Americans, Obama, Politics and Society
19 May 2008
Republicans ponder plan to freshen party's image | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Republicans ponder plan to freshen party's image | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
This might be a good idea for the conservative leaders have failed the people.
Posted by
Labels: American Political Process, Conservatives, McCain, Republicans
Professor's Classroom
Monday, Monday...so good to me......Mamas and Papas......Quiz time......so set yourself get out pen and paper and let the fun begin......
In 1826, a new Republic was set up on the soil of America, what was the Republic called and where was it located?
You may scratch your butt and begin......may the angels of tests smile on you.....
Posted by
18 May 2008
What Congress Did Last week
This are the issues that Congress dealt with...some good...some not so.....
1. Strategic oil reserve (HR 6022): The House voted 385-25 to require the administration to stop filling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for the rest of the year or until the price of crude oil drops below $75 per barrel. The Senate passed the measure 97-1. A yes vote supported the bill.
2. Farm bill (HR 2419): Voting 318-106, the House approved a five-year farm bill, providing farm subsidies and funding nutrition programs. A yes vote supported the bill.
3. War funding defeat (HR 2642): Voting 141-149, the House defeated an amendment to appropriate $162.5 billion for additional war costs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many Republican members voted present — officially tallied as not voting — to protest being frozen out of deliberations. A yes vote supported the funding.
4. Iraq troop withdrawals (HR 2642): Voting 227-196, the House approved an amendment requiring the administration to start withdrawing troops from Iraq within 30 days of enactment, but setting no deadline for finishing the pullout. A yes vote backed the amendment.
5. New GI Bill (HR 2642): The House voted 256-166 to establish a GI Bill to pay post-9/11 veterans’ college costs and use tax increases to pay for the program. A yes vote supported the bill.
6. Farm bill (HR 2419): The Senate voted 81-15 in favor of a five-year farm bill. A yes vote supported the bill.
7. Republican energy plan (S 2284): Voting 42-56, the Senate rejected a Republican plan to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling, as well as take other steps to increase energy production. A yes vote supported the plan.
8. Police and firefighter unions (HR 980): The Senate voted 69-29 to take up a bill granting limited union rights to police, firefighters and other public safety personnel in all states. A yes vote was to take up the bill.
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Labels: Bills, Congress, Legislation
The Reality In Bubba-land
The shine is off Clintonia 'Yesterday's gone' has new twist for Clintons
Clinton keeps spouting the diatribes about "it ain't over til I say it is over" but she needs to be realistic....sorry, sweetie...it is OVER! All you are doing now is wasting time and trying to find a way to stay influential within the party that you are losing control of.
Posted by
Labels: Clinton, Democrats, Nomination, Primaries
Weekly News UpDate
Politics got interesting, more dynamite he said, she said, he said......but DAMN!........
The following is the news that absolutely no one could possible use.
1--Who cares where Jenna and boy toy will live?
2--Earthquake in China--1000's dead----More dead in Burma
3--More fires
4--more cops caught being stupid on tape---maybe they should think before the react
5--Robt. Modavi, winemaker, dies--no--not from liver damage--he was 94
6--Polar bears put on endangered species list
7--Calif. Supreme Court overturns ban on gay marraige
8--Another preacher caught i a sex sting--this one thought he was gonna be humping a 13 yr old
9--And as usual, more plane, car and train wrecks
There it be....not any thing one could possibly give a crap about.
Posted by
Labels: Media, News UpDate, Worthless News
17 May 2008
Chris Matthews Eviscerates Right-Wing Host Kevin James Over Obama "Appeasement" Claims - Politics on The Huffington Post
Chris Matthews Eviscerates Right-Wing Host Kevin James Over Obama "Appeasement" Claims - Politics on The Huffington Post
There are times that I find Matthews a bit irritating, but I give props where props are due...he destroyed the right winger on Hardball. My hat goes off to Matthews and he deserves an award for that piece. He has my vote.
Posted by
Labels: Chris Matthews, Foreign Policy, Media, MSNBC, News UpDate, Right Wing
Third-party candidacies - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Third-party candidacies - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
The reality is that 3rd party runs can have a disastrous effect on the one party or the other, but the question should be, is the effort worthwhile?
Posted by
Labels: Candidates, Elections, Political Theory, Politics and Society, Third Parties
Political Quote Of The Week
With the general election approaching and with this candidate and that adjusting their positions and principles to fit what they think the voter wants to hear, I have chosen a quote from Thomas Paine.
I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.
The pursuit of principles is no longer the aim of a politician. These people sole concern is to be elected and then to be re-elected.
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Labels: History, Quotations
16 May 2008
John Edwards' Endorsement Speech (Full version) - The Jed Report
John Edwards' Endorsement Speech (Full version) - The Jed Report
This was a helluva speech...will it help Obama? well, it crapped allover Clinton's victory, so yes it will help him. Read it!
Posted by
Labels: Delegates, Edwards, Endorsements, Obama, Speech
Text of President Bush's speech to the Israeli parliament
Text of President Bush's speech to the Israeli parliament
Needs to be read.......he definately knows how to piss off the bee hive.
Posted by
Labels: Bush, Israel-Palestine Conflict, Middle East Situation, Speech
Can Obama Really Change US Policy?
Jonathan Steele: Obama says he'll reshape US foreign policy. But can he? | Comment is free | The Guardian
The aura of change hangs around the Obama campaign, but many are question whether he can really bring the change that he speaks of.
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Labels: Campaigns, Foreign Policy, Obama, Politics and Society
15 May 2008
Republicans Flounder
The Repubs are losing their collective butts in Special elections, the latest was a loss in Mississippi. They have been floundering for at least 4 years and possibly for the last 7. The Repubs prospects in the Fall do not look too good either.
They are scrambling around trying to reinvent themselves and their party with the hope of salvaging some success in the upcoming elections. They have had an epiphany and are trying to become "born again" fiscal conservatives and trying to distance themselves from the crap of social conservatism. Things like the Terry Shiavo case have given the whole idea of social conservatism a bad taste to moderate republicans.
McCain and the Party are trying desperately reinvent their party to make it more appealing before they enter into the battles to come in the general.
Posted by
Labels: Conservatives, Elections, Fiscal Policy, Republicans
14 May 2008
Clinton Wins West Virginia
And this was a surprise to whom? My God, this was predicted after Indiana.....
Hillary Clinton celebrated a blowout victory over Barack Obama in the Democratic primary in West Virginia last night, as enthusiastic supporters sought to help deflect mounting pressures for her to exit the race.
"I am more determined than ever to carry on this campaign until everyone has had a chance to make their voices heard," Clinton said after early results showed her carrying the state by a 2-to-1 margin. She gave no hint that she was ready to withdraw from a contest that growing numbers of longtime allies say now appears out of reach.
My question is what is Clinton trying to secure for herself by this continuation of the campaign. Is it for the better of the people? Or is it for the legacy of the Clintons?
Personally, I have always called the Clintons a self-serving bunch of ..........they would say and do anything to keep their persona out there in front of the voter. This long campaign is just a continuation of the Clintons plan....they do not want to lose the leadership of the Party...but I think that day is fast approaching.....and the nDem Party will once again be a party of the people not the special inbterest party it has become in the past years.
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Labels: Campaigns, Clinton, Democrats, Elections, West Virginia
Will Water Rationing Become A National Program?
Drought has crippled some spots in the US. Georgia, Central Alabama, California are among some of the troubled spots, but not all. Northern Calif. has implemented a water rationing policy. Could this soon be the way of the future in most of the states? Water rationing went into effect Tuesday for East Bay residents after water managers unanimously passed a drought management program aimed at preserving the system's deteriorating water supply. Residents of single-family homes throughout much of Alameda and Contra Costa counties are required to immediately reduce water use by 19 percent; golf courses face 30 percent cuts; refineries and manufacturers must trim 5 percent. Tuesday's action by the East Bay Municipal Utility District set out reduction goals, prohibited water uses and declared a water-shortage emergency across the district's system, which serves 1.3 million residents between Oakland and Danville and Crockett and Castro Valley. But questions swirl about the plan's enforcement, how the targets are calculated and how it will affect water rates - both for those who already conserve, and for those who use large amounts of water.
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Labels: Domestic Policies, Drought, The Environment, Water
13 May 2008
Anti-Semitism & The Left
Dissent Magazine
An excellent article that needs to be read and read often.
Posted by
Labels: American Political Process, Anti-Semitism, Jews, Left
Divisions In The Democratic Party
Clinton is still pushing the fact that she can still win the nomination of the party. But she and here entourage are about the only ones that see that possibility. She is not helping party by some of her actions and statements. I regret that, she still appears desperate to me. She is still bad mouthing her opponent, but it is a bit more subdued than before. She is hammering that wedge between her supporters and those of Obama, to the point that it could make a difference in the general election.
Recent the toss of the racial crap into the mix again, is not helping. Personally, the latest racial "slur" was in very poor taste. We are talking about a supposed leader of the Democratic Party, using race as an issue against a fellow Democrat. That right there should be unforgiving.
All the goodwill the Clintons had gained in the Black community is quickly being eroded away and if could very well effect the outcome of the election in November.
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Labels: Campaigns, Clinton, Elections, Race Issues, Racism, Surrogates
12 May 2008
Religious Right And Politics
'Raw Politics': Religious right leaning toward Democrats? - CNN.com
OK, I have a prob with this.......why would they do so? A Party which thinks the woman has the right to choose on abortion or that there should be separation of church and state. What within the Dem Party would the religious right find appealing?
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Labels: Democrats, Elections, Issues. Prediction, Religion
Professor's Classroom
Come on slackers, none of this is rocket science, get on the ball if you want to graduate.
Another Monday, and another quiz.
This Act by the US prohibited ships carrying goods from France and England from entering territorial waters or ports in the US?
Google works, if your are lazy. My mind is all a flutter....what will the answers be.....when you are finished..leave your answer on my desk....and I will get back to you.
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11 May 2008
Weekly News UpDate
The news that you cannot use was mostly politics and the wedding of the Bush woman child. You just think that cable news gives you all the news you can use...it is a lie.,..they give you some news and mostly crap...my updates show you the crap.
1--Cyclone hits Burma--40,000+ dead
2--75 students in 7 Frats at San Diego State get busted on drugs trafficking charges--higher education?
3--15 Philly cops caught beating 3 suspects on camera--are the just stupid?
4--More wrecks, crashes and chases--who f*cking cares?
5--More bad weather...more tornadoes...more rain............
6--Another Repub bites the sexual dust--Rep Fosella, a champion of morality has admitted he fathered an illegitimate child.
7--Yet another construction crane accident--in Tacoma, WA.
That is it...all the news that NO one can use....Peace Out!
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Labels: Media, News UpDate, Worthless News
10 May 2008
OMG! What A Difference A Word Makes
BEARINGS! Obama used this word when he was talking about something that McCain had said in the media. To me the word refers to a direction or a compass heading, but when did it become a word disparaging a person's age? Please, explain it to me. It takes a helluva imagination to get there from here.
I guess to be in politics, one would need to hire a walking thesaurus to accompany one everywhere to make sure that one's speech cannot be purposefully misinterpreted. It is just damn silly, to think that anything was implied by the use of the word bearing.
I will give the conservatives their props...they have a helluva imagination.
Political Quote Of The Week
With all the people that are screaming about the obscenity in movies and on TV, I thought that this quote by a magazine publisher says it all.
If the human body's obscene, complain to the manufacturer not to me.
- Larry Flynt
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Labels: Media, Quotations
09 May 2008
Clintons And The Race Card
First, good ol' Bubba place his foot in his mouth in South Carolina saying that Obama won because like Jesse Jackson, he is black. Ok, that is a paraphrase but the thought was there. Then the campaign had to explain what he meant. There have been other Clinton surrogates that have made comments that could be seen as the playing of the race card.
Now that Hillary is all but eliminated, mathematically any way, the campaign is using just about anything, they are grabbing at straws even heard that they said that they would use the vote in Puerto Rice as an indicator. Thinking about that....they cannot vote in the general election .
Anyway, I digress, it seems the candidate herself is trying to sway the super delegates by using the race card. Here is the part of her interview that sounds a bit racial, at least to me:
This is from the USA Today--
You decide--was she or wasn't she?" 'I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,' she said in an interview with USA Today. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article 'that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states (those voting in Tuesday's Indiana and North Carolina primaries) who had not completed college were supporting me.' "
"There's a pattern emerging here," she said.
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Labels: Campaigns, Clinton, Elections, Politics and Society, Primaries, Racism
08 May 2008
Damn--this is gonna be a good year for dumbass statements by people--this one is from Josef Fritzl, the Austrian dude who kept his daughter in a hole in the floor for 24 yrs, while fathering several children with her.
Recently he told a German news paper:
“I am no monster,” Fritzl said though his lawyer Rudolf Mayer, according to the German tabloid newspaper Bild.
“I could have killed all of them, and no one would have known. No one would have ever found about it.”
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Labels: 2008 anal-ocity, Media, News UpDate
07 May 2008
Gas Tax Holiday--Revisited
I thought I had heard this proposal of McCain and Clinton before. Back in the day, 2000 to be exact, then Pres, Bill Clinton was given this idea to help the working class voter. Back then he would not go for the idea because he did not think it would benefit the consumer.
But yet on this campaign trail, he is defending the same proposal that he would not consider. The Clinton people are going all out in their pandering to the white, blue collar worker. Why? At this juncture it is politically advantageous.
Obama has opposed the idea. And lots of economists and other experts have said it would be disasterous for the economy. Because he opposes it, he is labeled an elitist which is pretty humorous if you think about it...an elitist calling an elitist an elitist.....i cannot write this joke any better.
I will give Obama his props--he is telling people what the NEED to hear, not what they WANT to hear. But apparently the people were listening to both sides and made a good choice in Indiana and North Carolina.
The good thing about this is that know that Hillary is all but eliminated, the news will probably let the support for the "holiday" drop. It will no lnoger be news until the general in November.
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Clinton, Democrats, Elections, Gas Prices, Obama, Primaries
06 May 2008
Professor's Congressional Scorecard
My monthly feature of scoring how our dynamite US Congress is doing continues. They spent more time in hearings than on anything of substance, but I found a few issues that they weighed in on.
So far in 2008, here is how I see the Congress.
Jan--1 step backwards
Feb--No step--a stand still
Mar--2 steps backwards
And for the rating for the month of April 2008.
Colombia Free Trade Agreement--a no step--a horrible agreement and they tried to stop it.
Vote to commend wrestler Rick Flair--backwards
Offer new media bill--forward
21st century GI Bill--forward
Student loan bill--no step--did not go far enough, but is a start.
Finally they are moving forward, but fast enough, the rating for the month is 1 step forward. A side note, I am being extremely lenient on them.
We will see how they do in the coming months. So far for the year they are still moving backwards as they did last. They are not delivering on the promises of 2007.
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Labels: Congress, Issues. Prediction, Scorecard
Democratic and Republican healthcare plans offer clear choices - Los Angeles Times
Democratic and Republican healthcare plans offer clear choices - Los Angeles Times
For those voters that want to know the difference in the 3 candidates health care plans, this article will help. And please read the article closely and see that nowhere in these plans is there any form of "creeping socialism" and that none of the plans is in reality universal.
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Labels: American Political Process, Candidates, Clinton, Health care, McCain, Obama
Onlookers Swoon For Bill
Did anyone see the stump speech where Bill is being Bill and taunting the crowd to vote for wifey. As usual he was basically talking about himself and once and awhile he would mention Hillary. But during a speech in rural North Carolina speech a viewer faints--he says, "need EMT and water over there"--and went back to speech without missing a beat. Then he tells the people to be quiet and give them room and returns to his speech without much concern.
The media reports on his comment, "I did not know I had that power at my age"...a little laughter and speech goes on.
There was no report of his attitude toward the person or his seemingly lack of concern for the situation. IMO, he was acting like....um...thinking....um....an ELITIST! Does that sound familiar to anyone?
Oh yeah, but Obama is the one with the free ride.
05 May 2008
Election 2008: Previewing the Indiana Primary - washingtonpost.com
Election 2008: Previewing the Indiana Primary - washingtonpost.com
This is a good analysis that I do not agree with in most cases, but Howey seems to know about Indiana than I do but it makes interesting reading.
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Clinton, Elections, Indiana, Media, Obama, Speeches
Professor's Classroom
Monday, Cinco De Mayo, leave it to Mexico to invent a holiday for mayonnaise. It is also the day for our weekly quiz. This week is a simple one if you know presidential politics this should be a snap.
Explain the "Hickory Pole Canvass" the who the when and the why?
Please google your ass off and let me sleep. Peace my peeps!
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2008 Anaol-Ocity
OMG! There were two in one day, can you believe it?
This from Vice President Dick Cheney, who spoke to a crowd of Oklahoma Republicans Friday evening.
"When the history is written, it will be said this is a safer country and more hopeful world because George Bush was president," Cheney said, according to Oklahoma's Tulsa World.
Of Iraq, Cheney quipped: "Our strategy is the right strategy. The only way we can lose is to quit.I appreciate delusional people, but these guys are just flippin' amazing.
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Labels: 2008 anal-ocity, Quotations
Found this one, but for once it is not necessarily a statement that is anal, but this time it is the idea that is so.
Never mind the radiation: British contingency planners worried there would be a dramatic shortage of tea in the aftermath of a nuclear attack, recently declassified documents showed Monday.
The shortfall of the staple British beverage would be "very serious" if the country were to come under attack with atomic and hydrogen bombs, said according to a memo drafted between 1954 and 1956.
"The tea position would be very serious with a loss of 75 percent of stocks and substantial delays in imports and with no system of rationing it would be wrong to consider that even one ounce (28 grams) per head per week could be ensured," it said.
Now I would say that this is the most important reason not to nuke Iran, not to obliterate the country that Clinton has stated.
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Labels: 2008 anal-ocity, Foreign Policy, Iranian Situation, Media
Windfall Profits for Dummies - WSJ.com
Windfall Profits for Dummies - WSJ.com
I think anyone that reads n my will realize that I have no love for the Clinton gas tax holiday scheme. But I want to be fair in my analysis. This is a rebuttal of Obama's plan for the oil industry. Read and make up your own mind on who has the best plan. Should your vote be worth $30 or so you prefer a longer range plan. It is your----choose wisely.
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Labels: Candidates, Clinton, Domestic Policies, Gas Prices, Obama
04 May 2008
Weekly News UpDate
Time for the news that is as worthless as tits on a boar. These are the news stories that were on the national media show on cable.
1--More kids killing family members
2--More fires in California
3--More crappy weather, tornadoes
4--EOS Airlines going bankrupt
5--10 month old baby was issued a gun permit
6--Fla. teacher arrested for the 3rd time for having sex with students--not same student
7--Mayor in Chile gives men over 60 Viagra for free--a re-election ploy
8--Another surfer dies from shark attack
9--Some moron tries to cash $360 billion forged check--he was caught--ya think?
THat is all the news you cannot use--Peace Out!
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Labels: Media, News UpDate
03 May 2008
The hits just keep coming! HA! McCain and the Repubs keep trying to force feed the public that the Dem proposals on health care are somehow "creeping socialism". My friends(to quote McCain) that is pure bullsh*t. But this statement is very amusing.
“But before you decide to sign on to that kind of a program, go to Canada, or go to European countries that have government-run health care systems,” he continued. “My friends, they don’t work, they’re inefficient, and they end up in a two-tiered system where the wealthiest can afford to pay for their own health care and those with low income sometimes wait six or eight months for a routine kind of treatment. And that’s what I’m not going to let happen to the United States of America.” from a speech of McCain
And somewhere I missed the fact that the US does not a tier system of health care. That memo missed my desk completely. For that reason this statement will be in the running for the most anal statement of the year.
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Labels: 2008 anal-ocity, McCain, Quotations
Political Quote Of The Week
Anyone that has read my writings will know that I am rabidly against war; let us just say I played that game and did not like it. This week's quote is again from Thomas Paine, the forgotten American Founding Father.
He who is the author of a war lets loose the whole contagion of hell and opens a vein that bleeds a nation to death.
Thomas Paine
Does that quote sound familiar? If not, then you need to pay closer attention to what is going on around you.
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Labels: History, Quotations
02 May 2008
Anal-Ocity 2008
And yes it is back--the anal-ocity, the most anal statement ever made by an individual. This one is from your president. And will be in the running for the Assie award for 2008.
"Just and open societies protect and rely on the freedom of the press," Bush said in a statement marking World Press Freedom Day, which falls on Saturday.
"Brutal regimes and others who seek to stifle liberty often do so by closing down private newspapers and radio and television stations. They kidnap, arbitrarily jail, and beat journalists," he said.
Apparently he forgets the Patriot Act, huh?
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Labels: 2008 anal-ocity
The Elitist Perception
Ever notice that the Dems have been fighting that label for decades. The Repubs have successfully used that term to define Dems during the election cycles. Look at Gore, Dukakis, Kerry, just to mention the most recent losers were all successfully label as elitists.
Now Obama has been saddled with the mantle. Even a fellow Dem has also joined the attacks. Clinton, campaigning in Brownsburg, Indiana, tried to perpetuate the elitist label on Obama, pointing out his opposition to a proposal she supports, a temporary suspension of the federal tax on gasoline of 18.4 cents per gallon. But she fails to mention that in NO economic circles is this proposal a good idea.
"I believe it would be important to get every member of Congress on record. Do they stand with the hard-pressed Americans who are trying to pay their gas bills at the gas station or do they once again stand with the oil companies?," Clinton asked. This is a case of pandering. It is an attempt to look like one actually cares, while massaging the wallets of the average person. Even by one's own admission they have not filled their own vehicle with gas in years, it is the Secret Service that does it. But yet this same person is always saying that they "feel your pain".
May I suggest that before one buys into the whole labeling thingy, that they learn what the candidate is all about. But that is just silly, like an American voter will take the time to do some research. ROFLMAO!
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Elections, Elitist
01 May 2008
Protests At The HQ Of Fla. DNC
There was a massive protest at the HQ of the Florida DNC because of the elimination of the vote in the state. Protesters were angry that their votes were not gonna be counted and that the anger was targeted at the DNC for their decision to not count their votes.
If I am not mistaken, it was the Repub Gov and the Repub legislature that changed the date of the primary, not the DNC of Florida. Would not the anger best be directed at the people that actually caused this problem? I realize that is too easy, but would make more sense.
May I suggest that the voters that are angered, try voting the architect of their problem and rage out of office. But they will not, for by the time the election comes around they will have succumb to the genital massage of the politicians.
I guess basically what I am saying is, shut the f*ck up and od something about the real problem and stop blaming everyone for their indifference.
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Labels: Florida. Protests, Issues. Prediction, Primaries
Is It Iran?
Is it just me or has the rhetoric coming out of Washington edged up a notch on Iran?
CIA Director Michael Hayden said Wednesday that Iranian policy, at the highest government level, is to help kill Americans in Iraq, the boldest pronouncement of Iranian involvement by a U.S. official to date.
The Pentagon said Wednesday Iran is continuing to provide weapons and other material to Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan, in addition to its alleged continuing support for Shiite militias in Iraq. Officials spoke to reporters Wednesday shortly after a second U.S. aircraft carrier strike group arrived in the Persian Gulf. VOA's Al Pessin reports from the Pentagon.
Iran will likely have nuclear bomb technology in 2008, Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz said Wednesday, citing an updated Israeli intelligence assessment.
In the past, the general consensus in the intelligence community has been that Iran had hit some technical difficulties with enrichment and that its attainment of nuclear capability was much further off. In fact, a recent Israeli Military Intelligence assessment showed that the "point of no return" with regards to Iran going nuclear was 2010.
These are all quotes from sources in this day's news. Are they trying to do this to influence the political process? Or is it just words to try and bluff Iran?
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Labels: Foreign Policy, International Conflicts, Iranian Situation
What To Do With The Wright Stuff?
In March Rev. Wright and a few politically motivated sound bites came out about his sermons , Obama made a speech on race. A very good speech. The He, Obama, made a bad choice of words and the press went nuts about a bitter comment, then Rev. wright showed up again and did a improv for the NAACP and the National Press. Obama then had to distance himself from his former pastor; he distance himself from him, he condemned his words and actions, he was shcoked and appalled at his words; basically Obama threw his ex-mentor under the bus.
The press should be pleased at this turn, but they now say it was not soon enough or harsh enough. Now I personally think it is over. He has said that he is noit the person that Obama knew in the past and does not speak for him.
About the only thing that Obama can do now, to get the media to move on to the issues, is hire a hit man. Short of that, the media will stoke this fire until it has no more fuel. In the mean time, the voter is being played like a CHEAP DRUM! That is right, PLAYED!
There is more! What about the white ministers that condemned, even damned, the US for allowing abortions? Or what about the white minister that supports McCain that has belittled the Catholic church calling everything but the anti-christ? Why are not these people in the news? Is it a racial thing? You decide.
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30 April 2008
Candidates And The Gas Tax
ABC News: Gas Tax 101: Where the Candidates Stand
Looks like Clinton has the same idea for the gas tax as McCain. Does anyone else see a scary trend there? She will make changes to lead the country, but yet she has the same plan as a Bush-ite. Where would the difference be?
This will not improve much....maybe a half a tank of gas..but as I have said already would cost about $9 billion in much needed tax money and possibly cost about 300,000 jobs. Where is that leading the country in a different direction.
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Labels: Candidates, Clinton, Fuel Costs, McCain, Obama, Taxes
Issues For The Democrats
Some have asked why the candidates do not speak more on the issues at hand. Think about it! The media seldom asks questions on issues, they prefer to continue to pick the crap to report on. There is another reason why the issues are not so important.
I bet you would like to know why? The answer is very simple--with the two Dem candidates there is not a spit worth of difference in there stands on the issues.
Here are just a few of the comparisons:
On abortion: Obama-pro Clinton--pro
On China--neither have a solid position
ON health care--similar positions with minor differences, but neither is universal
On Iraq--both favor a timetable with minor differences
On gay marriage--both are opposed
On social security privatization--both oppose
Just a few of the issues that voters will be looking at. I realize that my comparison is a simplistic, but if one wants clarification, then I suggest that one visit their websites.
If one is a voter on issues then the decision will not be an easy one, but most Americans go past issues and head straight for the personality. If that is one's plan then I say good luck with that--but please if later they are dissatisfied with their choice, keep quiet, because they were stupid enough to vote for a personality, they will just have to live with their choice for the time being.
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Labels: Candidates, Clinton, Issues. Prediction, Obama
29 April 2008
A Stable Government In Iraq
I was watching an interview with Gov. Crist of Fla. yesterday. He spouted the crap about the people of Fla. no being represented, but first of all it was him and is Repub cronies that did this and caused the prob.
But he lauded the attributes of McCain and condemned the new DNC add about McCain's comment of a 100 years in Iraq. He then went on to say, "we need to establish a government in Iraq that is stable...before we pull out of the country".
need to establish? Would that truly be a democracy? What part of the US establishing a stable government democratic? Basically, we DID invade Iraq for the purpose of nation building. At least that is the way I read this statement. And you?
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Labels: Foreign Policy, International Conflicts, Iraq Situation, Nation Building
28 April 2008
Syria's Nuclear Facility
The Bush administration has made a strong case that Syria built a nuclear reactor with North Korean help but should not have waited until months after Israel destroyed the suspected facility to share its intelligence with Congress, two U.S. lawmakers said Sunday.
I have a problem with this. Why is this being offered now? The facility was destroyed last year, but now they offer proof of the claim that was a nuclear site. But 7 months is plenty of time for doctoring these photos to tell the story they want to tell.
Why am I suspicious? WMDs come mind. Saddam's involvement in 9/11 also. Basically, they have lied before and they could be lying now.
My suggestion is to have the photos checked out by experts and look for tampering.
Trust come to mind and the Bush clan has none to offer.
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Labels: Congress, Foreign Policy, Middle East Situation
Professor's Classroom
OSIM! And time for the quiz--spring is here and I realize that everyone is pretty bored, but try to keep up.
Ever notice that presidents have to name their time in Washington, i.e., New Deal, etc. In the election of 1824, when Andrew Jackson became pres, what did he name his administration?
Please keep answer short and sweet, I do not have time nor energy to care about long diatribes. Good luck and good googling.
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27 April 2008
Bill Will Be Just Another Fading Political Figure
If Hillary is vanquished, Bill will feel his own pain - Print Version - International Herald Tribune
I had never thought about this situation very hard, but this makes a lot of sense. Bill would be devastated and would be a minor character once again. It would kill him to not be the big cheese in the Dem party. And the great part is that he can blame everybody for Hillary's failure, but he will know that it was never about her, only him and he will be part of the reason she failed.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Clinton
Weeekly News UpDate
All the news
NO one can use
1--Pope finally went away
2--The Church Of The Holy Sceplecter (?) in Jerusalem--a fist fight between Christians--not the Christian thing to do.
3--woman finds 12 ft gator in her kitchen is Fla.
4--people pay thousands of dollars to run marathon across Sahara--more money than brains
5--more plane and auto crashes
6--tornadoes in Texas
7--more crazies in police stand-offs
8--Wes Snipes gets 3 yrs in prison
9--yet another shark attack in Calif--man dies
This is just bullsh*t--this is local news not national......and in no way helps me or anyone to understand why sh*t happens!
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Labels: Media, News UpDate
26 April 2008
Political Quote Of The Week
This week's quote is my answer to when people say that if you vote some anyone other than the two parties, that your vote was wasted. I do not agree and will never agre.
Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.
John Quincy Adams
MY feeling is that principle is far more important than some damn silly political party.
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Labels: Quotations
25 April 2008
Lott's New Gig
Jackson Free Press: Jackson, Mississippi - Noise - Lott Uses Old Campaign Cash to Help Lobbying Clients
Gee, Trent is not wasting anytime becoming a inside moving and shaking. But let me see, should not that money be used for something other than feathering Lott's bed? Let me see the money was donated to help Lott out during his political heyday. Here is a thought. Why does that money belong to a candidate if they are no longer running for office, if it was given in that spirit? The money was given in good faith to a candidate to serve the people, not add to his personal bank account. Since he was a "servant of the people" the money belo0ngs back where it originated
McCain And Poverty
John McCain has said the government is not the only answer to solving the problem of poverty. Here are his thoughts on poverty.
In his formal remarks, Mr. McCain distinguished himself from Johnson as a Republican who would not turn solely to government for solutions to poverty. “I have no doubt President Johnson was serious and had the very best of intentions when he declared the war on poverty in America,” Mr. McCain said. “But the army that he enlisted was mostly drawn from the ranks of government bureaucracies.”
In contrast, Mr. McCain called for a “People Connect Program” that would provide tax breaks to private companies and federal loans and low-interest bonds to small towns to help provide high-speed Internet service to isolated communities like Inez — a way, he said, “to knit together all of the United States with 21st-century information networks” that “will make location less of a factor in the potential for economic success.”
This is just lovely. This has been the answer to poverty the whole time tax cuts for the rich......someone please explain that thinking to me. I have missed that chapter on social justice. But have that types of solutions been tried in the last decades and poverty continues and continues to rise. So once again, I ask you to explain this thinking to me.
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Labels: Domestic Policies, McCain, Poverty
New Game For Iraq
Sadr threatens to start new war against US, Sunnis agree to return to the government. This all is becoming one large game in Iraq.
Iraq’s largest Sunni bloc has agreed to return to Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki’s cabinet after a boycott that lasted nearly a year, several Sunni leaders said on Thursday, citing a recently passed amnesty law and the Maliki government’s crackdown on Shiite militias as reasons for the move.
The Sunni leaders said they were still working out the details of their return, an indication that the deal could still fall through. But such a return would represent a major political victory for Mr. Maliki in the midst of a military operation that has at times been criticized as poorly planned and fraught with risk. The principal group his security forces have been confronting is the Mahdi Army, a powerful militia led by Moktada al-Sadr, the radical Shiite cleric. Even though Mr. Maliki’s American-backed offensive against elements of the Mahdi Army has frequently stalled and has led to bitter complaints of civilian casualties, the Sunni leaders said that the government had done enough to address their concerns that they had decided to end their boycott.
Sadr calms down, sunnis leave government, sunnis return to government, Sadr starts thumping his war chest....do you guys see a pattern here? It is becoming all too predictable. It is not even a good game of political chess they are playing.
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Labels: Iraq Situation, War on Terror, World politics
Congress Gets Its Props
I have been one of the biggest critics of the Congress. I have called them do noting and lame, but I will give props where props are deserved.
The media has been allowed by president after president to be owned or controlled by corporations and senator Dorgan is trying to stop this control.
The Federal Communications Commission defied some members of Congress in 2007 by easing a ban on ownership of a newspaper and a broadcast station in the same city.
Yesterday, the lawmakers took the first step toward getting even.
The Senate Commerce Committee unanimously approved a rare "resolution of disapproval" to invalidate the FCC's new rules, as concerns about media consolidation escalated in the wake of News Corp.'s negotiations to buy a second New York newspaper.
"We really do literally have five or six major corporations in this country that determine for the most part what Americans see, hear and read every day," said Sen. Byron L. Dorgan, a Democrat from North Dakota who is the lead sponsor of the resolution. "I don't think that's healthy for our country."
Both Sen. Clinton and Obama are signed on board of this effort. The real test will be if the Prez vetoes, will they overrride.
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24 April 2008
Candidates And Pep Rallies
I hate pep rallies! The candidates, all the candidates, and their stump speeches are just that....a pep rally. Complete with cheers, jeers, yells, whistles, applause and even a fight song, in some cases. It is all about winning, just like a high school pep rally.
Apparently, the American voter appreciates being treated like a juvenile. I guess that makes sense , since the mental capacity of most is about that of a 14 year old. That could go to explain it.
A good example, in Pennsylvania union, blue collar, non-college working class voted large for Clinton. Thinking...thinking....does anyone remember Bill and NAFTA? He basically, gave away their jobs to overseas. And they expect someone who supported the original agreement to somehow bring those jobs back? Yeah, right!
And then white women voted for a white woman...go figure.
Here is my fav, catholics voted for Clinton, but will mostly likely help elect McCain. Does anyone else see the utter lunacy of any of this? Does anyone see the game being played here?
This shows me that: 1--the voter is uninformed.....a polite way of saying stupid. 2--they like this stupid little game of politics makes them feel a little important for a short while. 3--Finally, there vote will probably not count, because the power elite already have their choice for president.
May the force be with you!
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Elections, Speeches, Voters
Curing our sick system - The Minnesota Daily
Curing our sick system - The Minnesota Daily
This is an excellent analysis of the health care problem. read it and it will help one understand the complexities that reform will face and probably not solve.
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Labels: Domestic Policies, Health care, Solutions
Virtual border fence in Ariz. a failure - The Boston Globe
Virtual border fence in Ariz. a failure - The Boston Globe
I was gonna summarize this story for my readers, but hell, you got to read the whole thing. It is the brain child of Boeing and the $20 million is a flush down the toilet. The story they will scrap it and go with a new idea and concept.
All I can ask is, did they try it out before they bought it? If not, why not? If it does not work as advertised can the taxpayer get their money back?
I am working on a new award for my Blog to give every year for this type of waste and stupidity. I already have the "Assies".
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Labels: Domestic Policies, Govenrmental Waste, Immigration, Taxes
23 April 2008
A Political Reality Check
Surrogates on both sides of the Dem campaigns are playing race card, fear card, and several other cards. Please make them stop! All this he said, she said silliness must stop. When talking about to "real" people and not the pundits that are looking for that hook that they can use for a couple of days or even a couple of weeks. Appears the people are getting weary of this negativity, the voters are worried about losing their home or how to feed the kids and the candidates spend all their time spreading manure. Voters really want specifics on issues and not who goes bowling, or does a shooter, or who the candidate has met in the past.
Even when I say that, it appears that I could be mistaken by the vote in Pennsylvania. I have watched this process from the beginning and it is the media that is setting the tone and the direction of these campaigns. Manure is just good ratings. For that reason whenever the candidates are interviewed it is some obscure BS instead of the issues that is talked about. They seem to refuse to make the candidates to face "real" issues that the people need to know.
If this crap continues through the convention, then I could foresee a low voter turn out in the Fall. Why? The voter will see that the change both candidates promise, is just that a promise that will be broken and NOTHING will change in Washington. If there is a low voter turn out then I see McCain winning the general.
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Democrats, Elections, Media, Voters
What Are The Issues, Now?
Have learned some learned people, men and women, talk about forgotten issues of this election season. Such as education, inner city crime, etc. These people are saying that the candidates are missing an excellent opportunity to discuss these issues on the national stage. That they have the perfect platform for that dialog.
Okay, where have these smart people been? When we "real" issues ever been the focal point of an election season? (Pause for thought) NEVER! That is when!
The worse group is the mainstream media. These "people" and I use the term losely, concentrate on BS issues and seldom on "real" ones. Sensationalism always trumps reality with the pundits.
Campaigns may start off with the best of intentions, but it quickly degrades into the slinging of mud. Let us be realistic--campaigns are about popularity and electability--seldom about the issues. That would be just Un-American! To put issues and problem solving, ahead of ego.
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Issues. Prediction, Prediction
22 April 2008
What to look for in the Pennsylvania primary - Los Angeles Times
What to look for in the Pennsylvania primary - Los Angeles Times
Today is the day---FINALLY! The voters will speak today in Pennsylvania. But will it be a shout for one candidate or a whisper? That is the question. All the npolls pundits like so much, mean diddly today.
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Return Of Vlad The Impaler
The Dem candidates are spending the last couple of days min Pennsylvania--trying to impale each other on there stands and words. No longer is the issues the most important, it is how hard and accurate c an you impale your opponent on something said or people they know. Vlad was an enthusiastic impaler and the Dem candidates are no different.
Clinton impales Obama on the spike of "bitter", Obama impales Clinton on the spike of NAFTA and well you get the idea. Little is said about how the Dems will beat McCain in the Fall, just beating up on each other. Sado-Masochistic comes to mind. Just as Vlad's implaing show his extreme cruelty, the candidates are showing their true colors--it is not necessarily about the issues, but more about them.
The Dem voter has got to be cringing at the sight of these impalings, they seem to be on auto-destruct. If Clinton gets a lead in PA, then watch for the Vlad-like tactics to continue and get worse the closer they get to Denver.
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Clinton, Democrats, Obama
Democrats' Rules Set Stage for Messy Nomination - WSJ.com
Democrats' Rules Set Stage for Messy Nomination - WSJ.com
They do not miss much. I realize that the voters are not pay much attention right to the WSJ. They use that money per copy to buy gas and some food. But this is a story that has already been covered from every angle.
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21 April 2008
Media Comments On Obama's Negativity
Senator Barack Obama sharpened his tone against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday as the six-week Pennsylvania primary contest raced to a close, with the rivals marshaling extensive resources in a battle for undecided vote.
In television commercials and in appearances before crowded rallies, Mr. Obama, of Illinois, cast his opponent in one of the most negative lights of the entire 16-month campaign, calling her a compromised Washington insider. Mrs. Clinton, of New York, responded by suggesting that Mr. Obama’s message of hope had given way to old-style politics and asked Democrats to take a harder look at him.
But wait! Did not Bill Clinton tell him to suit up or stay on the bench? Did not Hillary tell him to stand the heat or get out of kitchen? But when he takes their advice he is negative. Clinton is looking more and more desperate. She attacks and then does not want attacks in return. Seems she is the one in the fantasy world.
I have covered the whining thingy...so read that and enjoy.
But wait yet again! Now TV pundits are jumping on this and his negative campaign, but say little that Clinton brought it onto herself. They make a big deal of of the latest tracking poll and how He is only a few pts ahead of her, but yet when he was 11 pts ahead it was not worth more than a mention.
Tell me again...how is the media unbiased? It is the silly season!
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Labels: Campaigns, Clinton, Elections, Media, Obama, Political Ads
Professor's Classroom
It is Monday and all can be happy to start another week......I was talking with a good friend about how the mistakes in American history are seldom talked about I thought I would offer this question for the quiz today.
Let's look at the War of 1812, the Americans came up with a plan to try an cripple the Brits. They were gonna have a 3 prong attack into Canada. With the hopes that it would stifle the Brits and their march across America.
the questions is: Name the commanders of each prong and what they accomplished?
Google awaits! Have a day and will have a nap!
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20 April 2008
Obama's Naive At Times
But nhe had better realize that if he is nominee, what the people think is not important, it will be how the oppositions paints him to the people. The people may love him, but the 527's will turn him into something that he is not.
BARACK OBAMA believes his patriotism can't be challenged. Maybe he should talk to Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, and John Kerry.
"I am absolutely confident that during the general election that when I'm in a debate with John McCain, people are not going to be questioning my patriotism, they are going to be questioning how can you make people's lives a little better," declared Obama during last week's contentious debate with Hillary Clinton.
Obama wants the race for the White House to be about hope. It probably won't be.
In 1988, Dukakis said the campaign was about "competence, not ideology." His opponent, George H.W. Bush, made it all about ideology. The GOP turned Dukakis into a civil liberties-loving elitist who let convicted felons free to strike again.
Obama and his group need to get their heads out of their collective butts.
Weekly News UpDate
Between the candidates playing he said she said and the Pope, not much more was reported on, but I did find a bit of crap that is worthless.
Listen to some blues
Grab a shot of booze
I give you the NEWS
No one could possibly Use
1--Dr. Phil trying to interferes again into the lives of people trying to boost ratings
2--More plane crashes, more stupid hikers, more house fires, more auto crashes
3--Anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic--rivots did it!
4--More teen violence videos--eventually someone will address this problem
5--New record high for oil
6--Yankee Derek Jeter sics bodyguards onto autograph hunters--they were kids
7--5.2 earthquake in Illinois
8--More fires in California, Colorado and Montana
This past week was the same as the one before and the before it and..........
Have a week! Peace!
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Labels: Media, News UpDate
19 April 2008
Who Won The Debate?
Originally, I said that the onloy winner was those people that went to bed and got some nookie, but it appears that there was more to it than that. It was the most watched debate to date. In some areas it was more popular than American Idol.
Onward and up ward......most media pundits, newspapers ands such are saying that Obama had is worse debate to date and Clinton was clearly on her game. Good analysis for the most part, but there is a disconnect.
Contessa Brewer on MSNBC's afternoon news show said that they had received 12,000+ text messages saying that Obama had won the debate. But yet I have heard no other pundit mention this fact.
Why the disconnect from pundit to people? Difference in my opinion, that is not the story the media wants. The texters are most likely voters and will probably vote for Obama. Yet the media will not report on that, instead that keep thumping their chests for Clinton. The disconnect is what the media wants you to believe and what is reality is seldom the same, especially in politics.
As I keep saying, IMO, the media appears to be deep into the Clinton pocket.
Who Whines?
Bill Clinton has accused Obama of whining and that he should not suit up if he does not want the tackles. And after 15 after 15 months of scrutiny Hill is not whining.
That is true! She does not need to, she has the master whiner on her team, her hubby, Bill. He has whined about the media, he has whined about gender attacks, he has whined about the Nevada Caucus, he has whined about the votes in SC, he has whined about her "mis-speak"...you get the idea...he is a whining fool.
Maybe he should have served a selection of cheeses with the array of whines.
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Political Quote Of The Week
I found this quote by accident and it tells so much about the education system in the US.
"War is God"s way of teaching Americans geography" Ambrose Bierce, writer
Just think about it. How many Americans could find Iraq on a map without the war.
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Labels: Education, Quotations
18 April 2008
Which Candidate Will Benefit?
In a dramatic reversal, an Associated Press-Yahoo! News poll found that a clear majority of Democratic voters now say Sen. Barack Obama has a better chance of defeating Republican Sen. John McCain in November than Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
While Obama and Clinton are both sustaining dents and dings from their lengthy presidential fight, the former first lady is clearly suffering more. Democratic voters no longer see her as the party's strongest contender for the White House.
Voters of all types have gotten a better sense of Obama, who was an obscure Illinois legislator just four years ago. As more people moved from the "I don't know him" category in the AP-Yahoo! News poll, more rated Obama as inexperienced, unethical and dishonest. And 15 percent erroneously think he's a Muslim, thanks in part to disinformation widely spread on the Internet.
But Obama's positive ratings have climbed as well, while Clinton — widely known since the early 1990s — has been less able to change people's views of her. And when those views have shifted, it has hurt her more than helped.
The New York senator's ratings for being honest, likable, ethical and refreshing have fallen since January, and Obama scores higher than she does in all those categories.
And it will just get worse for Clinton, the longer she and her hit squad keep playing the negative card.
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Labels: Clinton, Issues. Prediction, Media, Obama, Polls
The Last Democratic Debate
There has been much said about this debate. From Obama was wounded to ABC was petty to mods were just fanning the flames of dissension. IMO, ABC was wrong to let the debate go on for 50+ minutes before asking any real issue questions.
Then Bill Clinton is trying to be cute again, letting his arrogance show through. Nothing new there.
But MSNBC held a text poll on the winner of the debate and it was a majority for Obama. So that is contrary to all pundits views that Obama lost the debate. So that shows me that the media corporate stooges are just trying desperately to keep Clinton in the game.
The mass media wants Clinton to be the nominee and it will do what it must to see that she is at least in the game until the end.
Obama and the former radicals - Los Angeles Times
Obama and the former radicals - Los Angeles Times
This crap is making the rounds on YouTube. It is just f*cking silly.
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Labels: Media, Obama, Political Ads, Radicals
Iran's Sex Police
We have a sex police, but we call it the "vice squad" and in Iran there is something similar. Gen Zarei was in charge of enforcing Iran's strict anti-vice laws, which include a ban on prostitution.
Why do I bring this up?
Tehran's police chief, who was reportedly discovered in a brothel, has been arrested, it has been confirmed.
Local media have reported that General Reza Zarei was found with six naked women in a house of prostitution in the Iranian capital last month.
You see the US is not the only country where it politician like their hookers. LOL
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Labels: Iranian Situation, News UpDate, Prostitution
Who Is The Elitist?
For a week or more the term "elitist" has been shuffled around in the media, but their weak definition has not explained it to the people. Most are not sure what the hell an elitist is. Maybe I can help.
From the beginning of political philosophy by the Sophists, especially Trasymachus, whose ideas lead to an elitist theory. His thoughts on politics were: Politics is a struggle, The stronger dominate the weaker and make laws favoring themselves. That is pretty simplistic, but for clarity we will keep it so.
A more modern definition is that the elite assumes that the individuals have an inborn desire for power, once obtained will guard it jealously. Those in government will use all avenues to retain power to include force, chicanery, ideological appeal. Basically, the society is divided into two sectors, the elitist and the people.
Now Clinton is calling Obama an elitist, IMO, that is like a callgirl calling a street walker a whore. She is just pandering to the people and taking advantage of a situation. She is an elitist, by her own words she has been in the power structure for 35 years.
I Think of something that Mike Barnacle said about Clinton calling Obama an elitist. He said, "You will have to soak your face in cement to keep from laughing."
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Labels: Clinton, Media, Obama, Political Theory
17 April 2008
2008 Anal-Ocity
This one was actually said in 1999, by Hillary Clinton when talking to her hubby about Serbia and the need to bomb.
" What do we have NATO for if not to defend our way of life?”
Now my question is what did Serbia have to do with life in the US? There is the reason it is an Anal-Ocity. It has been reprinted so it will qualify for the 2008 Anal-Ocity awards.
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Labels: 2008 anal-ocity
What About A Flag Pin?
OMG! A question was asked of Obama, why he does not wear a flag pins? The woman said that soldiers, EMTs, PD, firemen, all wear the flag on their uniform. Well this is just stupid! Of course, they, not by choice dill hole, it is part of the uniform!
Can you people get a f*cking grip on reality? Please, stop show your f*cking ignorance at every turn. Question was not bad, but the example was just plain STUPID! The question to ask is, who chose this absolute worthless question? Was it ABC or was it the Clinton campaign considering that Geo. Stepa...Stehan....whatever his name is...is an ex-Clinton employee.
If you people choose your leader on crap like this, then this country is truly DOOMED!
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Labels: Flag, Issues. Prediction, Politics and Society, Voters
From My youtube channel
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Labels: American Political Process, Bush, Humor, Video
At Last! The Final Debate!
Can I have an amen? With luck and God's help, will not have to go through another debate until the Fall. We can only pray. Is that because I am bitter? You bet your ass I am! I am full of the crap spread by the candidates.
On to the Dem Debate of last nite. If you have made up your mind on which candidate you will vote for, then this debate did nothing but waste your time. Issues were rehashed, that is a lie, few issues and more about personal stuff. about lies, mis-speaks, condescending,, yada, yada.
Clinton was Clinton--she was sorta nice which leads me to think she is bi-polar. She hot and cold running on Obama. Obama was Obama--he tried to stay above the personal crap, but as usual got sucked into it by the media.
If you were looking for a winner--then it was those that went to bed and got some nookie. All in all, if you watch the news regular then the debate was a total waste of time.
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Labels: Candidates, Clinton, Debates, Obama
16 April 2008
America should invest in the 'front side of life' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Jesse Jackson
America should invest in the 'front side of life' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Jesse Jackson
Jesse should be listen to when he speaks. I am not a loyal supporter of him but I will give him his props when I feel they are deserved. These are deserving.
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Labels: Elections, Infrastructure, Issues. Prediction, Voters
Professor's Classroom
Since I was unavoidably detained elsewhere on Monday, the quiz will be today.
In 1791, Congress levied a tax on farmers of Pennsylvania, which they refuse to pay and in 1794 Pres. Washington sent in the militia to enforce the tax. What was this incident called and what was the tax levied on?
Not tough. I am being very kind to you this day. Write it down may never happen again. Just put the answer on mmy desk and exit quietly---I need a nap!
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HANDLING THE BULLIES: Dealing with the playground thugs of the right by Sam Smith
HANDLING THE BULLIES: Dealing with the playground thugs of the right by Sam Smith
This article has made some excellent points and should be read and understood. For too long it has been us against them mentality. What should be considered is how ALL Americans are treated by others and especially by the government.
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Labels: Candidates, Elections, Issues. Prediction, Voters
Are They Truly One Of Us?
Candidates keep talking and we keep ignoring what they are saying. That they feel our pain or they are just one of us. Really? Does eating pizza or slamming back a shot and beer make someone part of the working class? How about going bowling? NO! It does not.
IMO, it is pandering and very condescending!
Will Americans buy this pandering crap? Most likely! I mean look at those that think Obama is a Muslim. Or the 28% that does not know that 4000+ Americans have died in Iraq. Or the 80% of Americans that think the economy is being handled poorly. But yet have confidence in McCain, who by any stretch of the imagination is just Bush Lite.
Sad that SAmericans are so uninformed. The problem is they seem to cherish their ignorance.
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Labels: Candidates, Economics, Issues. Prediction
15 April 2008
The Texas Polygamist Compound
Lots has been said about the raid on the compound that took 416 kids off of it. A lot of condemnation of the practice has been out there. Why? well, for on ehting it does not fit in with out puritan sensibilities. That is about it!
I heard one media pundit vent his rage over the fact that a 16 yr girl had 4 kids. He went on and on about the abuse that caused this situation. Was it abuse.....after thinking it over and not being part of the investigation, I cannot answer that question...But it did bring a question to mind....What about a 16 yr old living in the country of, say Kentucky, with 4 kids--is that abuse or will it be written off as just a horny little tart?
Personally, I do not understand for the craving of more than one wife.....I mean it is difficult to keep one happy why would anyone want more than the one?
Beyond all the fluff on TV, if this is their religion and they have no problem with it, then it is none of anybody's business but those involved. This sounds like arranged marriages in other countries and the US has no problem looking the other way on those.
It is time for this story to die and the media needs to move on and stop editorializing about others religion.
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I Am Back
For two days I have been fighting my internet connection, it was connectile dysfunction...tee-hee. Hopefully it is good to go now, but we can only hope. I will be back at it tomorrow. I have been going absolutely nuts without my connection.
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Labels: Rantings
13 April 2008
A CHUQ Prediction
The "bitter" comment by Obama will be the talk of the town on MSNBC. He will be called an elitist by Morning Joe.......Clinton's position will be defended heavily.......nothing will be said about Clinton lies...yes I said lies..."mis-speak" is just plain bullsh*t!
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Labels: ChuqSpeak, Issues. Prediction, Media
A Surprise Statement
The following is a statement on the 2008 election that I thought I would never see.
The fact that the Democratic frontrunners are an African American and a woman speaks volumes on how far the country has come. Hillary Clinton’s campaign has attracted large numbers of supporters, especially women. Other Democratic contenders presented some excellent proposals to reverse the devastation caused by the Bush administration’s policies.
Barack Obama’s campaign has so far generated the most excitement, attracted the most votes, most volunteers and the most money. We think the basic reason for this is that his campaign has the clearest message of unity and progressive change, while having a real possibility for victory in November.
As we see it, however, this battle is bigger than the Democrats and Republicans, even though those parties are the main electoral vehicle for most voters today. Our approach is to focus on issues and movements that are influencing candidates and parties.
We will work with others to defeat the Republican nominee and to end right-wing control of the new Congress.
The activism growing out of this election will help guarantee a progressive mandate no matter who is elected. It is critical to our country’s renewal and future.
We think this election is a great opportunity to bring an early withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. It can mean job creation and relief for those who are losing their homes or unable to pay their bills.
This election can set the stage to advance the interests of working people; of those excluded because of race, gender, sexual orientation and immigration status.
This election can begin to turn the tide: it can help bring universal health care, save the environment and start the restoration of our democratic rights. This election can strengthen democracy for all.
Can anyone even begin to guess where this statement came from?
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Labels: American Political Process, Elections
Professor's Weekly News UpDate
It is Sunday, a day of rest and contemplation.
I Bring you the news
No One could possibly use
I consulted my muse
But she was high on booze.
Most of the news was election related, but the media did get a few worthless stories into the reports.
1--Charlton Heston rolls boxcars--dies at 84
2--More polygamists found and arrested in Texas--these people are just nuts--why would anyone want more than one wife?
3--More auto crashes, House fires, Armed stand offs and school lock downs
4--12 yr old girl found working in strip club in Dallas--she was doing what strippers do
5--More crappy weather in the heartland
6--Olympic torch is catching hell from Tibetans no matter where it goes.
7--Yet another English judge has determined that Princess Di is STILL dead
That was the news and I hope you have a sh*tty day
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Labels: Media, News UpDate
12 April 2008
How about McKinney?
That is Cynthia McKinney; you will most likely remember her from her altercation with the Capitol Police. She supposedly attack a policeman, it got lost of play on CNN and probably cost her re-election. But beyond that, she is trying to win the nomination for the Green Party and if one is a true Progressive her record and evals by various groups is pretty impressive.
Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance.
Rated 80% by the HRC, indicating a pro-gay-rights stance.
Rated 97% by the NAACP, indicating a pro-affirmative-action stance.
Rated 80% by CURE, indicating pro-rehabilitation crime votes.Rated +20 by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance.
Rated 100% by the CAF, indicating support for energy independence.
- Voted NO on 'Fast Track' authority for trade agreements.
- No MFN for China; condition trade on human rights.
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Labels: Candidates, Elections, Green Party, Progressives, Third Parties
DLC: The Trouble With Class-Interest Populism by Stephen Rose
DLC: The Trouble With Class-Interest Populism by Stephen Rose
This paper is pure bovine fecal matter. It supposes that the working class is all about high end jobs and corporate related interests by the workers. This is just another lame attempt to high jack the progressive label. This paper should be published by some conservative think tank and not one called the Progressive policy Institute....there is NOTHING progressive about this. It just illustrates how far right the DLC and its mouthpiece the PPI have moved.
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Labels: Democrats, Domestic Policies, Economics, Labor
Political Quote Of The Week
I think a lot of Thomas Paine and this week's quote is from him.
"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."
Only the American people can change the direction of the country. But will they?
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Labels: History, Quotations
Is Obama An Elitist?
I have heard this question posed many times and the answer is: "Of course, he is!" When was the last time that a presidential nominee was not an elitist? From the very beginning of this country elitist have ruled.
But the humorous part is it is the Clinton group that is calling him an elitist. The same arrogant bunch that have this air of inevitability around them. The same group that feels it is their birth right to be the next president. By any stretch of the imagination, that is an ELITIST.
Clinton said on the stump in Pennsylvania, "As I travel around Pennsylvania, I meet people who are resilient, who are optimistic, who are positive. . . . They're working hard every day for a better future for themselves and their children. Pennsylvanians don't need a president who looks down on them. They need a president who stands up for them, who fights for them."
This coming from a member of the DLC, the poster child for elitism.
So yes, Obama is an elitist, but so is every other person running for President. Americans have a long history of letting the rich and the elite push them around and I do not see any change in the near future.
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Labels: Candidates, Clinton, Democrats, Elections, Politicians, Voters
11 April 2008
The Enemy Has Changed In Iraq
The shift was articulated this week in Washington by Gen. David Petraeus, who told Congress that "unchecked, the special groups pose the greatest long-term threat to the viability of a democratic Iraq."
Before, American commanders have called al-Qaida the greatest threat.
There is little doubt that Shiite extremists fighting U.S. and Iraqi forces have received Iranian weapons, although Iran's government denies supplying them.
But Petraeus' comments obscure the fact that the United States has waded into a monumental power struggle within the majority Shiite community — and crucially, that both sides in that struggle, not just the "special groups," maintain close ties to Iran.
Bush and the boys have just got to keep the landscape of war ever changing to keep their hold on the situation. Sorry, but Bush, Patraeus and others are playing a dangerous and lethal game with the lives of American service people. Sad part is that McCain will play the same game with the same results. IMO, I am not too sure that either of the Democratic candidates will do anything different.
The American voter has control of this situation, but will they exercise their desires or just go back to the "good old days" of voting for the popular candidate not the one that would actually do something constructive about Iraq.
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Labels: Foreign Policy, Iraq Situation, War
Escape from Recession: What you should know about the economic stimulus package
Escape from Recession: What you should know about the economic stimulus package
What everyone should know about the economic stimulus plan that the Pres and Congress have authorized.
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When Will It End?
Well if Clinton is telling the truth, it will end at the convention. CRAP! Do you mean that we must hear the same song a dance for another couple months? Crap! It is whining! Why can she not stick to the issues? I know winning is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the issues. Once again she has shown that the campaign is all about her and not what is needed for the people of this country.
I once said that she appeared as a harpy and boy did I catch hell for that.....I was accused of being a sexist, which I found a bit humorous coming from people who do not know me and definitely do not know Greek mythology. May I suggest that one look up what a harpy is and they will see that the analysis is pretty accurate. I stand by that analysis and if you are too lazy to find the definition then you may attack again. Or better yet, YOU CAN BITE ME!
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Labels: Clinton, Elections, Observations
Political Cartoons: Editorial cartoons online at THEWEEKDaily.com
Political Cartoons: Editorial cartoons online at THEWEEKDaily.com
Not a bad cartoon.
Posted by
10 April 2008
09 April 2008
Candidate's Scorecard
New thing--a scorecard for the candidate's. This time it will be their performance at the hearings on Iraq.
McCain--Stayed on message that surge was working and that it was somehow unpatriotic to leave Iraq until it was a good and safe place.
Clinton--Very careful in her questions. Did not press the points by the general and ambassadorof the "good" conditions in Iraq.
Obama--He was the most critical of the candidates. He was forceful on the money spent and the idea that all is well in Iraq.
In my opinion, Obama had the best performance of all the candidates in the hearings. However, I will say the Joe Biden's opening statement was an excellent one.
Clinton re-emphasized points she and Democrats had made before: that even with security gains, the Iraqi government has proved incapable of political reconciliation, and that U.S. troops tied down in Iraq are needed elsewhere.
"I think it's time to begin an orderly process of withdrawing our troops, start rebuilding our military and focusing on the challenges posed by Afghanistan, the global terrorist groups and other problems that confront Americans," the New York senator said during the morning hearing before the Armed Services Committee.
Obama, on the other hand, argued that both Petraeus and Crocker were setting the bar for success too high, making it nearly impossible to ever achieve goals or withdraw troops.
During the afternoon hearing before the Foreign Relations Committee, the Illinois senator argued for consideration of more limited goals: an Iraqi government that could contain if not eradicate Sunni Arab radicals and could hold its own against Iranian influences, if not expel them.
"When you have finite resources, you've got to define your goal tightly and modestly," Obama said.
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Labels: Candidates, Hearings, Scorecard
Iraq Hearings
Yes, I am a political geek, I watched both Iraq hearings on the tube. Just about the most boring day I have ever spent. As we would expect, the Repubs for the most part, did the "at a Boys" and the Dems ask real questions. But the Ambassador and the general gave the same basic speech they gave 6 months ago. It was a diatribe of what is going right and little said about what was going wrong. They all ask the same basic question, will the Iraqis be able to stand on their own? The answer was a 10 min diatribe of what ifs and maybes.
Then in the Foreign Relations Ctme hearings it became a bit more clear, at least for me. Sen. Biden's opening statement was just amazing (will post as soon as it is available) Hagel ask hard questions, as did Obama, but the answers were not as well thought out as the questions.
All in all, not many questions were answered, as it was 6 months ago, basically it was all the good news we could stand and little about the crap that is really going on. The hearings at the Armed Services Cmte was all partisan, lots of back slapping and lots of questions--little answers.
The testimony before the Foreign relations was a bit more detailed than the previous hearing. Lots of excellent questions, few excellent answers. Nothing new the same rhetoric by Bush cronies. All is well in Iraq and we need to stay much longer.
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Labels: Congress, Foreign Policy, Hearings, Iraq Situation
08 April 2008
Crackdown on Militias Raises Stability Concerns - New York Times
Crackdown on Militias Raises Stability Concerns - New York Times
Yet more info that needs to be covered in the hearings with Patraeus/Crocker. But will it?
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Labels: Congress, Hearings, Iraq Situation, US Military
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 04/07/2008 | Gen. Petraeus' Iraq strategy on trial in Congress
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 04/07/2008 | Gen. Petraeus' Iraq strategy on trial in Congress
The general will be in Washington to echo the policies of the Prez. And thanx to that Iraq will be back in the news and the political pundits will be forced to talk about the war. Since all three presidential candidates will be present it will be interesting to see if their stump speeches show their faces in the hearings.
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Labels: Congress, Hearings, Iraq Situation, US Military
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- The Young And Labor Unions
- Professor's Classroom
- Race in America, Is America Ready for Change? | pn...
- Weekly News UpDate
- Political Quote Of The Week
- America's Medicated Army -- Printout -- TIME
- The Assassination of Robert Kennedy - washingtonpo...
- Analysis: Obama a symbol of progress, change - CNN...
- End Of The Season
- More Congressmen Hospitalized
- Professor's Classroom
- Weekly News Up Date
- Of greenhouse gases and greenbacks - Los Angeles T...
- Report: Blackwater buys Brazilian-made fighter pla...
- Electing a president | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press
- political Quote Of The Week
- Obama competitive against McCain with key voters
- Professor's Classroom
- Historic pictures sent from Mars
- Colombia: Open Letter To Nancy Pelosi and the US C...
- Weekly News UpDate
- Vets for Peace Booted from National Memorial Day P...
- Political Quote Of The Week
- The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy - by ...
- Informants Wanted By FBI
- McCain on His Hopes for His First Term - New York ...
- Global Peace Index 2008 - Global Peace Index
- Another Divisive Comment
- Obama Adopted by Native Americans - The Caucus - P...
- Republicans ponder plan to freshen party's image |...
- Professor's Classroom
- What Congress Did Last week
- The Reality In Bubba-land
- Weekly News UpDate
- Chris Matthews Eviscerates Right-Wing Host Kevin J...
- Third-party candidacies - - Breaking News, Politic...
- Political Quote Of The Week
- John Edwards' Endorsement Speech (Full version) - ...
- Text of President Bush's speech to the Israeli par...
- Can Obama Really Change US Policy?
- Republicans Flounder
- Clinton Wins West Virginia
- Will Water Rationing Become A National Program?
- Anti-Semitism & The Left
- Divisions In The Democratic Party
- Religious Right And Politics
- Professor's Classroom
- Weekly News UpDate
- OMG! What A Difference A Word Makes
- Political Quote Of The Week
- Clintons And The Race Card
- Anal-Ocity
- Gas Tax Holiday--Revisited
- Professor's Congressional Scorecard
- Democratic and Republican healthcare plans offer c...
- Onlookers Swoon For Bill
- Election 2008: Previewing the Indiana Primary - wa...
- Professor's Classroom
- 2008 Anaol-Ocity
- Anal-Ocity
- Windfall Profits for Dummies - WSJ.com
- Weekly News UpDate
- Anal-Ocity
- Political Quote Of The Week
- Anal-Ocity 2008
- The Elitist Perception
- Protests At The HQ Of Fla. DNC
- Is It Iran?
- What To Do With The Wright Stuff?
- Candidates And The Gas Tax
- Issues For The Democrats
- A Stable Government In Iraq
- Syria's Nuclear Facility
- Professor's Classroom
- Bill Will Be Just Another Fading Political Figure
- Weeekly News UpDate
- Political Quote Of The Week
- Lott's New Gig
- McCain And Poverty
- New Game For Iraq
- Congress Gets Its Props
- Candidates And Pep Rallies
- Curing our sick system - The Minnesota Daily
- Virtual border fence in Ariz. a failure - The Bost...
- A Political Reality Check
- What Are The Issues, Now?
- What to look for in the Pennsylvania primary - Los...
- Return Of Vlad The Impaler
- Democrats' Rules Set Stage for Messy Nomination - ...
- Media Comments On Obama's Negativity
- Professor's Classroom
- Obama's Naive At Times
- Weekly News UpDate
- Who Won The Debate?
- Who Whines?
- Political Quote Of The Week
- Which Candidate Will Benefit?
- The Last Democratic Debate
- Obama and the former radicals - Los Angeles Times
- Iran's Sex Police
- Who Is The Elitist?
- 2008 Anal-Ocity
- What About A Flag Pin?
- From My youtube channel
- At Last! The Final Debate!
- America should invest in the 'front side of life' ...
- Professor's Classroom
- HANDLING THE BULLIES: Dealing with the playground ...
- Are They Truly One Of Us?
- The Texas Polygamist Compound
- I Am Back
- A CHUQ Prediction
- A Surprise Statement
- Professor's Weekly News UpDate
- How about McKinney?
- DLC: The Trouble With Class-Interest Populism by S...
- Political Quote Of The Week
- Is Obama An Elitist?
- The Enemy Has Changed In Iraq
- Escape from Recession: What you should know about ...
- When Will It End?
- Political Cartoons: Editorial cartoons online at T...
- Finally
- Candidate's Scorecard
- Iraq Hearings
- Crackdown on Militias Raises Stability Concerns - ...
- McClatchy Washington Bureau | 04/07/2008 | Gen. Pe...