27 January 2008

Weekly News UpDate

Well this week has been absolutely full of politics and race and gender. So that did not leave much time for worthless crap, for a change. I was pleased but there still was some crap that fell to earth.

1--Another missing blonde in the Dutch Caribbean. This one is a hot 49 yr old with huge fake tits.

2--As usual more plane and car crashes, more fires, more...more....more

3--Is there really a need for a 60 yr old Rambo?

4--More really crappy weather for S. Calif. Go figure!

5--Another person freed from prison because of DNA evidence. How many people have been screwed out of a life because they were not guilty?

6--A US spy satellite is out of control and headed for a crash with the earth. What goes up must come down.

7--Oh yeah, Heath Ledger is still dead.

Worthless news
That absolutely no one can use
Makes me want to take a snooze
Take off your shoes
Grab a shot of booze
Put on some blues
Put on skin-a-max
And relax

Peace out!

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