07 May 2007

Gas Prices

Ooooooh! Gas prices at an all-time high. Cha-ching! Listen to the register ring.

Congress has said they want to know why. Easy answer--profits, you idiots!

With so many refineries out of action and no new being built this trend will probably be continued, indefinately. New refineries will not be built because they say it will cost too much--steel up, etc. I say tough noggies. The industry had no plan to build other refineries. They made sure the American stayed addicted to gas, so I am sure there was at least economist that predicted the need for new refineries. But why do that? With the probs with refineries--the supply will be low demand high--profits even higher.

Take a good look at the situation and you will see capitalism at its best. (sarcasm intended).

Your assignment is to give an idea at how the problem can be solved. Due ASAP!


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