I will be taking the next couple of days off to celebrate the New year with my family and friends. I wish all my readers a lovely and happy New Year.
Unique insights , studies and observations on political, social and economic subjects.
I will be taking the next couple of days off to celebrate the New year with my family and friends. I wish all my readers a lovely and happy New Year.
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Labels: Announcement
RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - National Polls
This is a break down of head to head results of the candidates. The one to keep an eye on is the Zogby polls--they were more accurate in 2006 than any of the other polls taken. There are some surprises in the polls.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Elections, Polls
This past week has been nothing but worthless crap in the media. From a tiger, to a family slaying, to a overturned train, to ..........on and on.
This week has been worthless for news
Definitely nothing one could use.
1--Steven Spielberg puts $14,000 fish into pond and it is eaten by a that is good stuff!
2--Old man Hilton will leave 97% of the Hilton fortune to charity.....maybe Paris will use her time honored quote, "It's not fair"!
3--CEO of Goldman/Sachs will get a $68 million bonus--is anyone worth that kind of money? Is Goldman/Sachs intwined with the sub prime mess?
That is about it for the week. Hopefully, next week and the New Year will be a better outlewt for news---but, I doubt it.
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Labels: Media, News UpDate
Pakistan Without Benazir
Holding true to the idea of saying nothing bad about the dead, the media is turning Bhutto into a martyr. The truth is far from democratic.
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Labels: International Conflicts, Pakistan, US Policy, World politics
IMO, the media is in control of the people's thought process. Opinions are molded by the media to retain control of the elite over the people.
The hand that rules the press, the radio, the screen and the far-spread magazine, rules the country.
- Learned Hand
Never a truer statement has ever been made.
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Labels: Media, Quotations - World in Cartoons
The world of political cartoons for the week.
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Labels: Humor, Political Cartoons, Politics and Society
The audacity of nope - Print View
Just what does Ron Paul offer his supporters. Read it and weep.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Elections
Sad that the death of Benazir Bhutto had to replace all the crap in the news like tigers attack, car crash, plane crashes, yada, yada. This could be disastrous for the country of Pakistan. Ms Bhutto was shot twice and then her attacker blew his ass up, killing many with him.
Pakistan is basically, 4 countries within the borders of one. It is slowly falling apart. Musharaff has a couple of choice and prediction is he may declare a state of emergency--again. This will be an attempt to quieten down his opposition.
My personal opinion is that this was an inside job....but of course to keep the funds flowing it will be blamed on al Qaeda or some similar organization. The problem is that Bhutto was far from the saint that she will now become because of her death. But will she be deified in her country...Bush and most of the candidates will say what a great leader she was and that she will be sorely missed.
I will not jump on the bandwagon and turn her into some martyr. Her push for more democracy in Pakistan was motivated by greed and ambition, her ascension to power would be a replay of her days as PM.
Yes, her assassination was a tragedy and may be a step backwards for Pakistan, but what will it bring to the table in the Bush war on terrorism?
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Labels: Foreign Policy, International Conflicts, Pakistan
Mitt attacks Huckabee in Iowa......Mitt attacks McCain in NH....what happens when a Mitt attacks? He is looking more and more desperate as the primary season progresses. Since Mitt has started losing ground to several of his opponents, he has chose to attack the people directly with the hope of winning back some of his lost support.
Will it be successful? IMO, NO, not in Iowa or NH, Huckabee and McCain seem to be holding their own against Mitt in the first two....there is the possibility that as the election moves on, he could get a bit stronger. Mitt is worried--he must have a good showing in the early days or he can kiss his butt bye bye when Feb 5th comes around. Rudy is banking on successes in that primary cycle. If Mitt fails there he is all but gone....or maybe just plain---GONE!
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Elections
A Progressive Looks at John Edwards - by Stephen Zunes
For those that would like to read the entire analysis of Edwards and his positions and issues. A very good and well thought out analysis.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Elections
This is excerpts of an article by Zunes.
On one hand, he's the first serious candidate in the past two decades to seriously dispute the neo-liberal orthodoxy on international trade. He has challenged the hawkish front-runner Hillary Clinton on a number of issues and has called for the withdrawal of the vast majority of American forces from Iraq. He has questioned calls by President George W. Bush and some of his Democratic rivals to expand the armed services by nearly 100,000 troops. He has disagreed with the Bush administration's framing of the struggle against Islamist extremists as a "war on terror" as well as its overemphasis on military means, instead arguing for "a comprehensive strategy to respond to terrorism and prevent it form taking root in the first place."
Edwards has called for a dramatic increase in spending for development programs aimed at the world's poor, particularly in health care and education, as well as an expansion of support for microcredit programs. He has proposed dramatic reform and better accounting of the military budget. And, he has recognized that climate change is a major threat to national security that needs to be addressed seriously.
As a senator, Edwards distinguished himself as one of the more conservative Democrats through supporting such controversial measures as providing unconditional military aid to the repressive government of Colombia and voting for funding the dangerous and expensive Trident D-5 submarine nuclear missile program. He also voted in favor of an amendment that prohibits the United States from cooperating in any way with the International Criminal Court in its prosecution of individuals responsible for serious crimes against humanity. This vindictive law also restricts U.S. foreign aid to countries that support the ICC and authorizes the president of the United States to use military force to free individuals from the United States or allied countries detained by the ICC.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Elections, Politics and Society
Since the campaigns and the rest of the world has seemed to become non-existent and taken a backseat to the season--I would like to wish all my readers and posters--a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I will return on 26 Dec 07 and begin the task of observing the world and the crap that goes on.
To all have a very good day and may all the joy of the season live in your house.
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Labels: Announcement
Merry Christmas to all my posters--ha ha ha--since this section is a bout as popular as a turd in a punch bowl; I will take some time off and give my students a break.
May all have the joyous of holiday seasons and I will be back later. TTFN!
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Labels: History
It has been a slow week, not much happen other than the campaigns and a couple of missing people, and I have been fighting a horrendous the update will not be as extensive as it has in the past.
1--The world's oldest man has died--age 116--the key? he was never married.
2--A square envelope at Xmas will cost 17 cents more
3-- The Queen of UK turns 81--who cares?
4--Britney's lil sis is pregnant--and she is surprised she is with child--how dumb is this little shit?
5--People are still dying in Iraq--just thought I would let you know since the media will not!
6--The military throws away Xmas letters to wounded soldiers--
That is it--enough is enough! BYE--BE WELL!
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Labels: Media, News UpDate
For those die hard Repubs that are trying to decide in which direction to go with their vote, here is the only chance that they will have to beat Clinton, according to the latest polls.
RCP Average | 11/11 to 12/19 | - | 47.0% | 46.7% | McCain +0.3% |
FOX News | 12/18 - 12/19 | 900 RV | 47% | 42% | McCain +5% |
CNN | 12/06 - 12/09 | RV | 50% | 48% | McCain +2% |
Gallup | 11/11 - 11/14 | 897 RV | 44% | 50% | Clinton +6% |
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Labels: American Political Process, Elections, Polls
Years ago when I became more radicalized, this quote was one that meant a lot about what I was feeling towards my government....
"Let them call me a rebel and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul...."
Thomas Paine
This is what has happened to the American voter---they have prostituted their very being to the pimps in Washington. They NEVER think of anything but themselves, their individual selfs. That is not America.....the country becomes a whorehouse.
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Labels: Quotations
I found this article while reading the Politico site and I think it is a good piece that brings to light good points.
Before wading into the morass of conflicting claims about the role of senatorial experience as preparation for the responsibilities of the Oval Office it would be prudent to ask just what the president does.
This seems like a question that common sense could easily answer, but it is not.
The modern presidency operates at many complex levels — strategic, political, constitutional and symbolic, and it does so in domestic and international circumstances permeated by division and threat.
So, before we can say if senatorial experience counts, we must first answer the question of where it is most important that it do so.
The twin answers to that question are judgment and leadership. We rely on the president to see the problems the country faces clearly, understand their implications and put them into the proper framework for analysis. That is judgment.
We also expect a president to be able to mobilize others in pursuit of a fitting solution, help orchestrate and channel those efforts, and consolidate any success into lasting accomplishments. That is political leadership.
This short list of seemingly straightforward presidential tasks belies their complexity and difficulty.
Good judgment and effective leadership are often a byproduct of learning from experience, both successful and otherwise, that is relevant.
So the first question we must ask of a presidential candidate’s experience is whether it is relevant to making the complex, tough, and often controversial trade-offs that often face a president and whether that experience includes translating those judgments into successful policy solutions.
Regrettably for candidates who tout their senatorial careers, this would seem to preclude giving much weight to their legislative experience.
The problem is not that these senatorial experienced candidates are not smart or capable.
It is that while the Senate may well be an incubator for presidential ambitions, but it is not a good training ground for presidential responsibilities.
Consider the differences. A senator is one of a hundred. The president is singular and unique. A senator casts a vote. The president makes decisions.
A senator’s vote is one of many; the president's decisions are where the buck stops. Senators have few responsibilities for national leadership and most rarely exercise their limited and narrower opportunities for issue leadership.
The president’s national and worldwide leadership is required, and often demanded on a daily basis. A senator may, over the course of his or her career, become a specialist in a few subjects.
The president is expected to be well-versed in many.
A senator doesn’t govern, run an administration or have responsibility for any more than his or her own office staff.
A president is responsible for all the agencies of the federal government, many of them engaged in complex and difficult policy decisions — these, too, ultimately are the president’s responsibility.
And finally, senators do not personally have to make life-or-death decisions regarding the fate of this country.
Senators have a strictly advisory position, cushioned from command responsibility by layers of words and the ability to reinterpret what they really meant when they voted for or against a piece of legislation. They are therefore insulated from the intense emotional and political burdens of having to stand alone before the country and the world on the basis of their judgments.
One obvious response to these facts is to cite Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.
Lincoln is rated one of our great presidents and had only one term in the House of Representatives before he won the presidency in 1860.
Kennedy found his short legislative life in Congress boring but is fondly remembered as smart, charming and, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, masterful.
The brief response to those examples is that the presidency of 2008 requires a great deal more of its occupant than the office did in 1860. Lincoln’s justified reputation is based on one absolutely crucial judgment that he successfully made: to preserve the union.
No amount of experience of whatever kind can adequately prepare a president for those national life-or-death decisions.
As for Kennedy, his good judgment and leadership during the Cuban Missile Crisis was preceded by his much poorer judgment and presidential leadership at the Bay of Pigs.
In this case, good judgment did come from experience — that of learning from his mistakes.
There is no inherent reason why a senator cannot make a good president in spite of his lack of relevant experience.
However, the nature of senatorial life ordinarily precludes us from learning anything much about the soundness of a senator's judgment in the types of complex decisions that face a president every day or in his ability to provide the country with leadership that only a president can bring to bear on the issues that face us.
We take a risk in selecting any person for the presidency, but experience that we can judge — and that is relevant to what the president actually does — helps us to manage those risks.
If Clinton, Biden, McCain, Chris Dodd, Barack Obama or Fred Thompson want to convince us that they belong in the presidency, they will have to make arguments on grounds other than their senatorial experience.
Stanley Renshon is a professor of political science at the City University of New York and a certified psychoanalyst.
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Elections
You remember her/ She slapped a DC congressional guard and all sh*t broke loose. Well she is seeking the nomination of the Green Party to represent the Party in the presidential contest next year.
"The Democrats, no different than their Republican counterpart, eat out of the hands of corrupt lobbyists and feed at the same corporate trough," McKinney says in the video. "I am proud to say the Green Party is my new political home."
In recent weeks, McKinney has traveled to campaign rallies and fund-raisers in Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin trying to organize party support and get her name on state ballots. She said she plans to campaign in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Hugh Esco, who works on the McKinney campaign and runs her Web site, declined to comment Wednesday.
The firebrand six-time Democratic congresswoman from Georgia's 4th congressional district was defeated in 2002, bounced back and won in 2004, and then was defeated by Hank Johnson in 2006. At least six Green Party candidates are running against her. The July nominating convention for the Green Party will be in Chicago.
McKinney is the only former major-party candidate running for president as a Green in 2008, but she is the second black woman from Georgia to declare her Green Party presidential candidacy.
The following is a press release from the GP.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Elections, Politics and Society
Have you seen the recent Huck ad--where he just wishes everyone a merry Xmas, well, we all knew that the criticisms would begin. Some say he was politicizing Xmas....or exploiting his Christianity....or get the picture. I mean they will focus on the cross over his shoulder, which he says was a bookcase not intended to be a cross...he says there was no script it was purely a "wing it" moment.
Of course, now that everyone is weighing in on his ad....he is saying that it is just sad that a person cannot wish a merry xmas to people without being scrutinized as having an ulterior motive.
IMO, this was a brilliant ploy! He makes the ad and his opponents bring attention to his faith and he can say he just wanted to wish everyone the best during the holidays. It is brilliant! Devious? Of course! But absolutely f*cking brilliant! His opponents are doing his campaigning for him....Damn! More people need to study his techniques..he is a genius...or someone in his campaign is a genius........Kudos!
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Elections
Sorry for the delay in the latest classroom, but the Professor had a sick day, yesterday. He is sick of the lame ass participation.
What does the term New Harmony have to do with history?
I tried to make it as simple as possible...I do not need any strokes to explain to the administration. You may begin.
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Labels: History
Okay as of yesterday, Russia has delivered the first of the shipments of nuke fuel to Iran to be used for commercial nuke power. OK, now what will the US do? Will Bush use it to ratch up the anti-Iran rhetoric?
Okay, the Bush admin has said the Iran must stop support for Hezbollah and Hamas, But in 2003 Iran offered to do just that but Bush was riding a wave of patriotism and decided to ignore the offer. Now they want to appear to be taking the higher ground. At that time Iran also offered to help against al-Qaeda as well. Again this was not acceptable to the Admin at that time.
The time is now if we are to engage Iran in helping with the region. My question is will the opportunity be missed? Again?
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Labels: Foreign Policy, International Conflicts, Iranian Situation, US Policy
Thomas Jefferson was a smart man, not one of my favs, but nonetheless a smart man. This quote somehow pertains to just about everything that comes out of the mouths of the Bush faithful.It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.
- Thomas Jefferson,
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Labels: Quotations
Another Sunday, another update. All the news that you could not possibly use.
1--Dead Canoeist turns up alive--who cares?
2--More shootings--more fluff--more BS--more wasted air time.
3--Man unplugs comatose wife--she wakes up talking--she probably was bitchin' at him.
4--Kids in NYC raised a million bucks in pennies for charity--who counted them?
5--God is working for Huckabee cause and campaign--his words, not mine.
6--Ike turner dies--he went down swinging--pun intended.
7--this is my fav--Gonzo elected Lawyer Of The Year by the ABA......hysterical laughing heard in background.
That is it--not a piece of real news anywhere--have a day
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Labels: Media, News UpDate
A recent poll this week shows Clinton with a 30 pt lead over Obama, nationally. Other polls show her lead not that large, but a sizable lead, indeed. But is she the inevitable nominee? It is a good question, the media has been thumping her as the logical nominee. well all that is changing. Why? Her lead in Iowa is gone. Her lead in NH is not so good. Her lead in SC, also not so good. Obama is coming on strong in these last days of '07.
She appears to be get desperate. Her campaign in the past has brought up Obama's ambition, by quoting him in Kindergarten saying he wanting to be pres. That was a bit silly and IMO, ill-advised. But that her lead and her inevitability is slide down the toilet, the campaign is back to negativity. Clinton NH co-manager of the campaign brought up Obama's drug use. Which he has already said that he was using drugs in his younger days. Since that part is common knowledge, the campaign asked, did he give drugs to other people? Did he sell drugs? This is just f*cking pathetic. Of course, Hillary apologized for the unauthorized use of the negative. This was an upfront gesture on her part, right?
NO! If this is not the message they want to put out there, then why did her national campaign manager bring it up on Hardball? The campaign said that it was not what they wanted, the negativity, but yet they are still trying to interject it into their messages on talk shows.
Clinton and her staff are appearing to be running scared. They are appearing to be desperate. They are losing support and they are terrified with a bout 3 weeks before the first caucus and they could lose it handily. If they do lose, they will be hard pressed to push forward as the natural candidate.
Obama has nothing to lose and the world to gain. If the attacks do not stop Clinton will be back to fighting in the Senate.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Elections
I read a story this morning that Huckabee was not alone in his ignorance of Mormonism.....that not many outside the religion have any idea what it is all about. This started me thinking....why is this so damn important? Personally, I do do not care if these people stop at a walmart parking and pray to shopping carts. The real question or concern should be how many children will go to bed hungry? How many more vets will kill themselves? How much longer will a war continue? will there ever be a fair health care program? All of these are far more important than what a person does with his/her Sunday morning.
Ask yourself if the person you support will benefit you and your family. Do not base your decision on what he/she believes religiously.
Another thing in these political ads--shown with wife and kids--okay i get it his dick works. But I do not care if his dick works--that has little to nothing to do with his capability to lead the country.
Please make your decision rationally and logically, but leave the horseshit on the road where it belongs.
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Labels: Politics and Society, Religion
I have watched and watched and .......the debate process over the last year and I see a reall disservice to the American people. The media controlled debates are a joke. even the ones hosted by PBS. This trend has got to stop. The media is looking for ratings not knowledge. they want the cat fights and the insults and attacks and....
I have an idea! Why not have the debates, even in the primaries close together...say there is a GOP debate on Jan 1 then have the Dem debate on Jan 2......ask the same questions of the Dems as the repubs. Then the people that would be watching could compare the different candidates and their stands and then they would have a solid base from which to make an accurate choice of which candidates best represents the stands and policies that they are drawn to.
The process now, seldom are the different party candidates asked the same questions, so if you are a Repub you get only questions that plays to the base and same with Dems. How would the voter know that they are TRULY voting for the person that has a good chance of fixing the country?
The media is a prime suspect in the destructive partisanship of the voter. They need this to keep ratings up and to keep their cutesy jobs.
Please, demand are living in a world that does not need needs a REAl do you know you are getting that now?
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Labels: Campaigns, Candidates, Elections
This is a synopsis of the last debate of the year. we can only smile at the end of this process for the year. A great Xmas gift.
Finally! The last debate of the year....may I have an amen! The last dem debate was a well done one with all candidates giving ample time and really nothing new. A few zingers, but most stayed on message. The only loser was Dennis Kucinich because he was not allowed to participate. That was the only low point, since the whack job Keyes was allowed to participate on the Repub side, but that is another story.....I am sure. Everyone was polite and civil, no attacks, direct attacks.
If you would like to see my full analysis, you may go to my blog the Oracle of inkwell, a link here will take one to the site.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Elections
The Democrats are not consistent they , like all politicians, will fly with changing winds. this is where the party starts to fall apart. For instance, the waterboarding thing, Rep. Jane Harmen has files a letter of protest over the use of this tactic. That is all well and good, but she is a supporter of HR 1955, which simple put, would be the thought police.
People have to know this stuff or you will keep making the same mistakes in the elections you have been making for decades. This a/holes will say and do whatever gets them positive press. And the media does not report on the happenings in Washington accurately. They would rather spend their time in search of ratings by report on some missing wife or a shooter at a mall. All the while crap like HR 1955 sneaks in under the radar until it is too late to do anything but bitch.
When will the American people realize just how useless they are to these people? They pretend to care every 4 years or so just to get the vote by massaging the genitals with bullsh*t.
Wake up America!
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Labels: American Political Process, Congress, Politics and Society
If one wants a complete breakdown of who the candidates did then go to The Oracle Of Inkweel link on this page and read the entire analysis of the latest debate.
This is a short synopsis.
You want to know who won? look at the polls....Huck leading...Mitt second and Rudy third. Why? Only because it was a snooze of a debate and the candidates will remain as they were before the debate. I personally think that Paul was by far the best debater on the stage.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Elections
Everyone from joe blow to jan public has attacked this question. What was the outcome? You decide. I did some research on why she was not so appealing to me and I found the following:
Clinton has her roots, the early years, in the Young Republicans at Wellsley and was a volunteer for the Goldwater campaign. That could explain some of her hawkish stands. She then became a McCarthy volunteer a little later and that led her to the DNC.
Recently, on the stump, Clinton said that, "chage is just a word, that means nothing if you do not have the will to do it". The problem I have , I agree with her, but she does not seem to have that will either. My research leads me to believe that she is just a hawk, a conservative Dem and that NOTHING will change from what we have now.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Candidates, Elections
Back in my day a REALIZATION was used when someone gained knowledge or enlightenment--yes it sounds New Age, but you had to be there to appreciate the times. If you were not there--sorry!
Do you know about the "Winter Soldier"? Thomas Paine wrote: "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from service to their country....". A winter soldier is that person that in time of need steps up and fights for the people and their concerns. Are you a winter soldier?
This is just to point out that a real patriot looks and acts for the benefit of the country and not for personal gain. When will someone, anyone step forward and take command of the army of people that are being misrepresented?
Look at the situation now. Bush is showing a disregard for the reps of the people, Congress. Under this Pres. our Congress is going the way of the roman Senate, impotent at best. The relative impotence of the Legislative branch and the growing power of the Executive branch is a sad indictment of the future of the US. The Congress is allowed to exist as a PR gesture to the people, to let them think they are participating in a democratic process. In actuality they have little to NO power to effect change.
It is now time for the "Winter Soldier" to step forward; these politicos will not give the country back, they will have to take it back. The start would be to help the American people unlearn their submissiveness. An excellent place to begin is the anti-war movement. Make the Reps bring the troops home! And bring them home NOW!
If you are looking for change in the next will be SADLY disappointed. The frontrunners, all of them, both parties, are business as usual, there will be NO CHANGE if any of these fools win the election.
WAKE UP! we are slowing losing our rights and most importantly, our democracy. YOU can change that! But will you!
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Labels: American Political Process, Anti-War, Candidates, Elections, Politics and Society
Monday, good to me......quizz time.....wake up and pee the world is on fire......
It is a Monday morning and time for the quizz of the week. Last week was a f*cking bust! hopefully someone, anyone will participate........
In American political history, what is the term Well-Born, referring to and where did it originate?
Not too difficult, but hopefully will make one think. You may begin.
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Labels: History
I have been asked this several times by several people and I usually answer with whatever subject we are speaking on. But I want to post my beliefs on the correct direction for the country and the government.
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Labels: ChuqSpeak, Elections, Political Theory
How long will the media keep glorifying these goddamn shooters? The American people do not need to know their names or anything about them, other than the fuckers are crazy. These dicks are looking for "fame" and by a string of worthless reports they are receiving just that. STOP IT!
We do not need to know his history, his eating habits or what his folks do for a living. All this bullshit is just embolding others to do the same thing. Maybe that is what the media is looking to do. For these types of stories are easier than actually having to be a journalist.
Are you people happy with the corporate media? It is all about the entertainment quality, not the newsworthiness of a story. It is about ratings and ONLY ratings. This is what you fuckers get for allowing the media to be OWNED by a handful of companies. Are you happy and content? If you are may I suggest that you buy a gun and do the world a favor.
Yes I said --I meant it--so bite my ass!
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Labels: American Society, Media
First of all, this was yet another pathetic week for news. Secondly, it is somewhere around the middle of Dec and yet another Nicholas Cage movie.
If you were looking for news
you surely will lose
there is no news
when the media is on booze.
1--Santas must lose weight--report finds them too heavy. So now we are re-writing Xmas--Santa must be skinny. BITE ME!
2--AT&T getting out of the pay phine biz by the end of '08.
3--Japanese researchers gave simple IQ test to chimps and humans---chimps are smarter.
4--Catholic church puts out a comic book informing children about sexual predators, but there is no mention of priests.
5--It may rain in Sou. Calif.---and???????
6--the 3 guys in Aruba are arrested again.....and...released long must this continue?
7--Barry bonds pleads not guilty---thinking.....!
That is the news that was some of the focus of the media---now do you feel informed?
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Labels: Media, News UpDate
This is the latest polls coming out of Iowa.
Newsweek | 12/05 - 12/06 | 39 | 17 | 9 | 10 | 6 | 8 | Huckabee +22.0 |
Strategic Vision (R) | 11/30 - 12/02 | 27 | 24 | 13 | 11 | 6 | 5 | Huckabee +3.0 |
Zogby | 11/29 - 12/01 | 25 | 26 | 12 | 8 | 5 | 5 | Romney +1.0 |
American Res. Group | 11/26 - 11/29 | 27 | 28 | 9 | 14 | 9 | 3 | Romney +1.0 |
Des Moines Register | 11/25 - 11/28 | 29 | 24 | 13 | 9 | 7 | 7 | Huckabee +5.0 |
Rasmussen | 11/26 - 11/27 | 28 | 25 | 12 | 11 | 4 | 5 | Huckabee +3.0 |
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Polls
This is one of the best quotes I have heard that describes the news media.. It was true yesterday, it is true today and the way it is going will be true tomorrow.The Media: bold sex and violence, timid politics and morals.
- Mason Cooley
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Labels: Media, Quotations
Are you Mormon....Baptist....Catholic...just what religion are you? Would f*cking cares? well apparently the repubs do. Someone, whoever got the endorsement of the religious right in Washington a month or so was NOT Huckabee.
But now that he, Huckabee is surging in the polls, Mitt boy has decided it is time to go on the air and somewhat defend Mormonism. Well not really. His major speech was a snooze...vague..and not informative. It was a good thing he had a speech by JFK as a guide or God knows what sort of crap would have come out of his mouth.
So you think this is just silly? me too! But you can thank the repubs for this new holy war bullsh*t. They are thye ones that embraced the whole "faith based politics" concept. This ugly, ugly situation is a product of the crap they feed people with the support of a politician that shares your particular theology and oppose those who do not.
Mitt did not convince anyone...there was no explanation of his beliefs that would quell any doubters. Basically he was chastizing those who call Mormonism a cult, but yet he did not disclaim such practices as baptizing the dead, or the humans can become gods or that the tribes from Israel came to the Us and built cities and fought huge battles; just to mention a few. So this attempt was lame at best.
It has been reported that the religious right would be insignificant in this election. IMO, NO voting bloc is insignificant. Now I ask if Huckabee is becoming the darling of the religious right, why did they snub him at the convention in Washington?
I personally, think that Huckabee's surge is just a glitch.....and once he gets into the larger states his luster will begin to fade.
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Labels: American Political Process, Religion
Within HR 1955, section 899D, part b says:
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Labels: Congress, War on Terror
OOPS! That was bullsh*t! The newest NIE states that with high confidence they can say that Iran stop the pursuit of a nuke weapon in 2003. Ok, that is good news, but not for Bush. What can he say after predicting Iran with a nuke would start WWIII? well he says nothing has changed--Iran is still a threat---they are still thinking about a nuke weapon---so now the US is the thought police? They are a threat because onbe day they may consider a nuke weapon...thinking....thinking....I got nothing--this is a dumbass statement.
Now ask yourself this--when did Bush and the Boyz know this? Was it told to them months ago? Like before he made his WWIII statement? Hadley, a Bush spokesman, said that he was pretty sure that it was known a few months ago. Then Bush did know his statement was bullsh*t! That fear card is a very useful tool in politics. Bush sold the idea of a WWIII, like Apple seels an IPod.
Sorry people, but I gotta crap in your chili! How does it feel to be played for a sucker, time after time? You asked for it, you got it! A good f*cking! Be well!
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Labels: International Conflicts, Iranian Situation, World politics
Never thought that I would be on the same page as Libertarians, but on the issue of governmental subsidies for the construction of nuke plants we are. It seems that the Senate is willing to pass out billions to the companies that will construct the nuke plants. They want to give these companies taxpayer money to build. why? Because NO investors will give a dime of money without governmental guarantees. All the government should have to do with the construction of nukes is to be sure that all the permits, paperwork, safety regs and fair wages. The government has no right to guarantee the safety of the investors money. Yes, it is risky, but that is their risk not the taxpayers. If the government wants to be that involved in the situation then the money should be used for more earth friendly alternatives.
This appears just another way that the government is trying to control the technology and using taxpayers money without them having a say as to where the cash will go. time for a change, sports fans.
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Labels: Economics, The Environment, US Policy
A recent poll taken in Iowa show that Huckabee has passed Mitt and Obama has vaulted past Clinton. This is an interesting turn, Mitt has spent millions in the state, Huckabee has spent thousands. Huckabee is connecting with the religious right and Mitt has to go on national TV to explain Mormonism. That is how worried he is.
Obama has a 5 pt. lead on Clinton at last Iowan poll. And all of a sudden she does not look so invincible. She and her minions have begun a campaign of attacks against Obama. She and they are getting a bit nasty and questioning his character and his integrity. To the point of his kindergarten when he said he wanted to be pres. She is assaulting his ambition. She and they have said that he should not be pres because of his ambition and lack of experience. To the point of saying, that he is not qualified for the presidency. BULLSH*T! what happened to the dream that everybody had the chance to be president? he is showing her elitist leanings.
Both Mitt and Clinton, with their renewed attacks are appearing to be desperate and are grasping for approval. Mitt can afford to come in second, for Huckabee will not play well in NH. Clinton would not lose a lot of support by finishing second in Iowa , but that would show that she is not inevitable. She and her handlers are running scared.
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Labels: American Political Process, Campaigns, Elections
I have a new candidate for the anal-ocity award. This one comes from Carl Rove.
recently he stated that, "Congress pushed for the invasion of Iraq and that the President had been against it." These pricks can spin anything.
Remember; I will be posting the list for you guys to vote on. The winner will be given the ASSIE award at the beginning of '08. If anyone has a candidate please send it to me and I will post it here for all to see. you may have a winner!
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Labels: Anal-ocity
(Heavy sigh) OSIM! I know we are entering into another week and that can be a frightening thing.
morning class, todays question is for those who are interested in the economic side of government.
What was the name of the corporation and in 1867, became the instrument by which officials of a railroad transferred land of the railroad to themselves and were later caught trying to bribe members of Congress?
Sounds like what is happening today in the news where CEO and Directors are making billions on deception.
Good luck and make it count.
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Labels: History
Between the Holloway death and the Redskins death and another missing wife and a hostage thing--not much real news was reported. How unfortunate. It was another extremely uninformative week.
A little blues
Tempered with booze
and now for the news.
1--More Repubs leave Congress, Lott and Hastert.
2--Cheney returns to hspital for heart prob--better living thru electronics.
3--Gore finally gets to Oval Office--as a visitor.
4--Iraqi refugees are returning to Baghdad--good?
5--Hooker in Chile will donate a month's earnings to help the poor and kids.
6--Hurricane season ends--woo--hoo! But Fla. business guys are pissed that the season was so slow. GOD I hate these f*ckers!
7--So. Calif.--again--this time it is the possibilities of mudslides. Sorry not news! It happens yearly!
That is it, all the news you cannot possibly use.
Remember: An Idaho potato has 110 calories....thinking....thinking....does that mean all other potatoes are more fattening? Just wondering.
Have a day, have drink, have some sex--Peace--Out!
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Labels: Media, News UpDate
Well it is time for a short synopsis of the progress of the Congress last month. A full review can be found on the Oracle Of Inkwell, there is a link here if you want to read it.
So far the scorecard is thus:
Aug--1 backwards step
Sept--1 backwards step
Oct--1 backward step
And now for Nov- (drum roll, please) No step--the Congress basically stood still for the month.
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Labels: American Political Process, American Society, Scorecard
The latest poll on the situation in Iraq shows that the American people are split on the success 48% yes and 48% no.
A recent Zogby poll shows that Clinton would lose to all the Repub candidates if the election were held this week.
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Labels: Elections, Politics and Society, Polls
Just a thought on immigration, from the founder of the AFL.
Every effort to enact immigration legislation must expect to meet a number of hostile forces and, in particular, two hostile forces of considerable strength. One of these is greed composed of corporation employers who desire to employ physical strength (broad backs) at the lowest possible wage and who prefer a rapidly revolving labor supply at low wages to a regular supply of American wage earners at fair wages. 'The other is ethnic identity politics composed of racial groups in the United States who oppose all restrictive legislation because they want the doors left open for an influx of their countrymen regardless of the menace to the people of their adopted country.
- Samuel Gompers, founder and president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
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Labels: History, Immigration, Quotations