04 December 2007

Nuke Subsidies

Never thought that I would be on the same page as Libertarians, but on the issue of governmental subsidies for the construction of nuke plants we are. It seems that the Senate is willing to pass out billions to the companies that will construct the nuke plants. They want to give these companies taxpayer money to build. why? Because NO investors will give a dime of money without governmental guarantees. All the government should have to do with the construction of nukes is to be sure that all the permits, paperwork, safety regs and fair wages. The government has no right to guarantee the safety of the investors money. Yes, it is risky, but that is their risk not the taxpayers. If the government wants to be that involved in the situation then the money should be used for more earth friendly alternatives.

This appears just another way that the government is trying to control the technology and using taxpayers money without them having a say as to where the cash will go. time for a change, sports fans.



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CHUQ said...

HUH? Did I miss something?

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